Bergen Energy Lab (BEL)

An holistic approach to electrification of the North Sea

BKK and CapeOmega are in the early stages of planning an offshore grid in the North Sea. The electrification of offshore installation is estimated to contribute to a reduction of between 1.4 and 5 million tonnes of CO2 per year.

BELab offshore grid
Fulli, G., Purvins, A., R ̈uberg, S., L’Abbate, A., and Migliavacca, G. (2011). Evolutions and Challengestowards a Potential Pan-European HVAC/HVDC SuperGrid.

Main content

Eyvind Bohne-Kjersem from BKK will present his talk "An holistic approach to electrification of the North Sea" on Tuesday the 21st of January.

Abstract: "Serene Onshore AS is in the process of applying for concession for power from shore to hubs in the North Sea. This project is envisaged to take a holistic approach through an offshore grid, serving multiple installations, providing a substantial reduction of CO2, which also could serve as infrastructure for future renewable energy production. In addition to a cost-efficient technical solution for joint electrification, the Serene concept also provides a commercial model inspired by the world's largest offshore gas transport system (Gassled)".

The construction of this grid is scheduled to start in 2023, and will directly provide power from shore to oil and gas installations in the North Sea (Adomaitis, N. & Fenton, S. (2019, December 12). Norway plans North Sea power grid to cut oil industry's emissions. Retrieved from Reuters).

This seminar will be held from 12:15 to 13:00 (we open the doors at 12:00), in the Hellan-Hansen meeting room, Geophysical Institute (Allegaten 70). As always, it is free and open to all interested parties, so bring your lunch and join us for an interesting presentation followed bya Q&A session.