[Webinar] PART 2: Norwegian energy market in relation to EU
Supported by large sums of money there are huge initatives on hydrogen, offshore wind and electrification that - if set in action - will escalate the transition of the energysystem towards zero-emission.

Main content
This seminar will be digital
Head of Analysis in BKK Produksjon, Toril H. Christensen will give a part 2 of her presentation of "Norwegian energy market in relation to EU".
In light of the covid-19 pandemic many nations - so also the EU - have used the opportunity to scale up the green industry.
Supported by large sums of money there are huge initatives on hydrogen, offshore wind and electrification that - if set in action - will escalate the transition of the energysystem towards zero-emission.
This sounds very good and hopefully we will reach the goal of an emission free energy system and society!
But what happens on the way with the balancing of the energysystem and the market for electricity?
Can we see some sort of outline of were it is bringing us through forecasting ?
Seminar speaker
Toril H. Christensen is Head of Analysis in BKK Produksjon, delivering market and price analysis for hydropower generation and trade both in the physical and financial markets. This includes keeping an overview of the energy- and climate policies both in Norway and the EU and working with the hydropower industry's regulatory frameworks through Energy Norway and Eurelectric.
Guidelines for our virtual seminars:
- Link to join the webinar here
- "Doors open" at 12:00. From 12:00-12:15 you will be able to present yourself and be introduced to the rest of the participants.
- After 12:15 and whenever you are not speaking please mute your microphone, as this can disturb others.
- If you have a comment or a question please use the chat function (speech bubble on the options panel) to signal you have a question.
- The moderator will introduce you when it is your turn to ask a question – Remember to unmute your microphone!