Forum for Scientific EU Project Managers
Contact us

Contact us

The members of the forum have extensive experience in scientific research project management of large EU collaboration projects. If you are interested in our work or have specific questions related to EU project management, feel free to contact us!

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The three main contact persons are:

Friederike Hoffmann      

Senior Advisor and Research coordinator at Geophysical Institute; E-mail: Friederike.Hoffmann@uib.no; Phone: +47 55 58 87 95

Stefanie Meyer

Senior Advisor and Head of Research Section at the Department of Informatics; E-mail: Stefanie.Meyer@uib.no; Phone: +47 55 58 86 93

Mahaut de VareillesAdvisor at Geophysical Institute; E-mail: Mahaut.Vareilles@uib.no; Phone: +47 55 58 37 08