Work of reference
Internet resources for philosophy
Here we have collected some of the most common and important internet resources for philosophy. These websites offer a wide and comprehensive perspective on philosophy, so the more specialised reading materials will not be found here. You can click on the various categories to find the resources.

Main content
Reference works
- Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy
- Islamic Philosophy online (dictionary for islamic philosophy - arab-english)
- Routledge Encyclopedia
- Philosophy Pages (philosophy dictionary in english)
- Stanford Encyclopedia
- Store Norsk Leksikon (Norwegian encyclopedia)
- Filosofia (Finish philosophy portal) and in Swedish
- Islamic Philosophy Online
- The Basicx of Philosophy
- Salongen
Databases and online portals with primary and secondary literature
- Betrand Russell Archives
- Fair Use Repository (original tekster i filosofi, kultur og mer)
- Intelex
- JStor
- PhiloSources (EU DISCOVERY)
- Utilitarian (Hume, Bentham, Godwin, J. Mill, J.S. Mill, Sidgewick, Hare, Singer)
Discussion forums
Audio Resources
Online Libraries