Imagining and experiencing the 'refugee crisis' (IMEX)
IMEX events

Encountering refugees beyond Europe: Panel at the University of Copenhagen

Exploring the potentials for an empirical, theoretical, and methodological cross-hatching of 'migration' and 'non-urban spaces.'

Main content

Encountering refugees beyond urban Europe: everyday interactions, pragmatics and outcomes, EASA 2018.

The panel, co-organized with Birgitte Romme Larsen at the University of Copenhagen,  explored the potentials for an empirical, theoretical, and methodological cross-hatching of 'migration' and 'non-urban spaces.' While studies of international migration in Europe has overwhelmingly been examined in cosmopolitan urban settings, the panel focused on the geographical dispersal of refugees and asylum seekers to rural districts. The panel foregrounded questions such as what the socio-economic and socio-cultural consequences are of such co-residency within non-urban, peripheral areas.