News archive for Imagining and experiencing the 'refugee crisis' (IMEX)
Nikolai Skorge Bogre has finished his master thesis, that he wrote under supervision of Susanne Bygnes.
Høivik Bye with a new open-access publication on individual and cultural stereotypes and prejudices and their relationship with behavior toward asylum seekers, using data from the Norwegian Citizen Panel.
Bygnes with a new open access publication in Journal of International Migration and Integration: Not All Syrian Doctors Become Taxi Drivers: Stagnation and Continuity Among Highly Educated Syrians in Norway
In January 2019, the IMEX project organized an international workshop with presentations by project participants and invited guests from across Europe. The workshop fostered interesting discussions and new insights.
Bygnes with a new publication in Acta Sociologica: "A collective sigh of relief: Local reactions to the establishment of new asylum centers in Norway".

Exploring the potentials for an empirical, theoretical, and methodological cross-hatching of 'migration' and 'non-urban spaces.'
Engaged discussions about the usefulness of drawing on time and temporalities as analytical tools in migration studies at the IMISCOE conference in Barcelona, July 2018
Susanne Bygnes was invited to be part of a panel discussion at UDI, the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration, at a seminar to mark their 30 years of immigration work.
Susanne Bygnes was invited to be part of a panel discussion at UDI, the Norwegian Directorate of Immigration, at a seminar to mark their 30 years of immigration work.
People coming as refugees to Norway. Who are they? A public talk by Susanne Bygnes at the Bergen Public Library.
PhD-candidates Amany Selim and Espen Stokke presented their research projects on Syrian refugees settling in Europe, at this IMER lunch seminar.
- February 2021 (2)
- December 2019 (1)
- April 2019 (2)
- December 2018 (2)
- May 2018 (4)