Department of Information Science and Media Studies
For employees

Registration of teaching duties

The duration of the PhD education at the Faculty of Social Sciences at UiB is standardized at three years. Compulsory work or teaching duties applies to PhD candidates employed on four-year contracts. It is important that the work is documented.

Main content

Compulsory work at Infomedia is mainly be linked to teaching duties. The program council leader and research leader, in consultation with the supervisor, are responsible for ensuring that the compulsory work is organized in such a way that it does not become more extensive than expected. The agreement on compulsory work can be changed during the period, for example if parts of the compulsory work have become more or less extensive than planned.

Registration of teaching duties

In the Norwegian HE sector, a year's work normally amounts to 1,628 hours, which corresponds to approximately 400 hours each year during the four years. Documentation of compulsory work and teaching duties is the scholarship holder's responsibility.

Registration of compulsory work and teaching duties is done in a separate form.

Factor for teaching duties

Factor is used to calculate the final payoff in connection with teaching duties. For example, teaching has a factor of 10, so 3 teaching hours will result in a calculation of 30 hours in the compulsory work account. The 30 hours include preparation time.

Type of workFactor for PhDsFactor for PostDocs
Teaching (specify course code)105
Grading school exam, all levels (specify course code)1,50,75
Grading home exam, all levels (specify course code)31,5
Grading bachelor thesis and semester/course assignments, all levels (specify course code)31,5
Grading master thesis, incl oral3015
Grading oral exam, all levels, pr candidate (specify course code)21

Besides teaching and grading, everything else is registered with factor 1:1.

Guide lines

The department's guide lines for teaching duties are avaliable here: Sak 05-22 Vedlegg -Pliktarbeid retningslinjer.docx (sharepoint.com)