Welcome to our webpages for mobility, and international staff and researchers.
Information to you who are receiving salary from UiB and are having a research stay or short term stay in Norway.
Welcome as our guest at the University of Bergen (UiB). Here is some practical information for our guest researchers and visiting PhD students from abroad. We hope this will give you a good start on your visit to UiB.
Information about UiB Guesthousing, as well as information and tips for finding private housing. ...
If you are leaving Norway, there are some formalities and practical matters you need to take care of.
Information about taxation and social security for you who hold a secondary position at UiB while residing in another country, whether you perform your duties in Norway or abroad.
We are a EURAXESS service centre for incoming and outgoing researchers at UiB.
Explore our A-Z overview below – by clicking on the desired topic, you will find a brief explanation and a link to more details.
The University of Bergen works to provide the best support we can to our employees. This is why we have worked for and received the HR Excellence in Research (HREiR) award.