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Department of Education
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Western Norway Graduate School of Educational Research II (WNGER II)
Doctoral education at the Faculty of Psychology
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Study programmes
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Western Norway Graduate School of Educational Research II (WNGER II)
Doctoral education at the Faculty of Psychology
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Department of Education
Courses at Department of Education
DIDAPSYK1 / Didactics of Psychology - first semester
DIDAPSYK1B / Subject Didactics in Psychology, comprehensive module - first semester
DIDAPSYK2 / Didactics of Psychology - 2nd semester
DIDAPSYK2B / Subject Didactics in Psychology, advanced level - second semester
KOPRA101 / The school and the teacher's role - practicum
KOPRA102 / Learning processes
KOPRA103 / Planning and evaluation of teaching
KPDAG1 / Teacher practicum day 1
KPDAG5-HFSV / Teacher practicum day 5
KPDAG6 / Teacher practicum day 6
KPDAG7 / Teacher practicum day 7
KPDAG8-HFSV / Teacher practicum day 8
KPDAG9-10 / Teacher practicum day 9 and 10.
LANGPRAKSIS1 / Teacher practice 1
LANGPRAKSIS2 / Teacher practice 2
LAPRA101 / Practical Teaching Experience 1
LAPRA102 / Practical Teaching Experience 2
METMAU660 / Introduction to Research Methodology
PED110 / Introduction to the science of Education
PED111 / Educational Philosophy
PED112 / Educational Perspectives on Learning
PED113 / Learning in and for the workplace
PED115 / Learning environment in school
PED116 / Educational competence
PED200 / Education in a Changing Society
PED210 / Scientific Methods
PED212 / Bachelor's Thesis in Pedagogy
PED311 / Philosophy of Education
PED312 / Research Methods
PED313 / Knowledge and Knowledge Processes
PED314 / Specialization and Project Plan
PED321 / Philosophy of Education
PED322 / Research Methods
PED323 / Knowledge and Knowledge Processes
PED324 / Specialization and Project Plan
PED395 / Master's Thesis in Education
PED396 / Master's Thesis in Education
PED600 / Supervision as Professional Development for Teachers
PED641 / Mentoring for Beginning Teachers
PED661 / School Leadership
PED667 / Pedagogisk veiledning
PED668 / Profesjonelt samarbeid om barn og unge med minoritetsbakgrunn
PED670 / Mentoring within the teaching profession
PED671 / Mentoring student teachers and newly qualified teachers
PED672 / Peer mentoring, school development and profession development
PEDA101 / Teachers Training - Pedagogics 1. term
PEDA102 / Teachers Training - Pedagogics 2. term
PEDA120 / The teacher and the pupils
PEDA121 / The teacher in the classroom
PEDA122 / The school in the society
PEDA123 / The teacher's professional development
PEDA130 / Introductory Course in Pedagogy
PEDA131 / Curriculum and teaching
PEDA132 / Teacher professionalism
PPUDEL104 / Combined pedagogics and didactics, natural sciences 4
PPUPRA101 / Practical Teaching Experience 1
PPUPRA102 / Practical Teaching Experience 2
SPED100 / Introduction to special education
SPED102 / Observation, screening and intervention in kindergarten
SPED103 / Cooperation around disabled children and young people
SPED200 / Professionalization - regulations and ethics in theory and practice
SPED201 / Language, Reading, and Writing ¿ Development, Challenges, and Interventions
SPED211 / Reading and writing difficulties
SPED250 / Bachelor's Thesis in Special Education
SPED311 / Philosophy of Special Education
SPED312 / Research methods
SPED315 / Education for gifted and talented children
SPED316 / System thinking approach and screening
SPED317 / Special education councelling in theory and practice
SPED395 / Master thesis in Special needs education
UPED600 / Introduction to Teaching at University and Course Design (24 hours)
UPED620 / Basismodul i universitetspedagogikk
UPED621 / Vurdering og vurderingsformer
UPED622 / "Supervising the Ph.D"
UPED623 / Muntlig formidling
UPED631 / Hot moments in teaching and learning
UPED632 / Enhansing Courses with Online Materials and Tools
UPED633 / Interaktiv undervisning med bruk av responssystemer
UPED635 / Pedagogisk kurs for studieadministrative tilsette
UPED636 / How to Design and Teach Blended Courses
UPED637 / How to Create Effective Instructional Videos
UPED650 / Online and blended Learning (30 hours)
UPED652 / Advanced teaching in Mitt UiB
UPED654 / Creative uses of Media for Learning (15 timer)
UPED655 / Student-response systems (15 timer)
UPED660 / PhD Supervision
UPED661A / Spesial Topic on Assessing Student Learning: Rubrics (15 hours)
UPED661B / Spesial Topic on Assessing Student Learning: Continuous Assessment (15 hours)
UPED662 / Using Peer Feedback to Enhance Learning (15 hours)
UPED670 / Hot Moments in Teaching and Learnig
UPED671 / Universal Design for Learning Instructional Practices (15 timer)
UPED672 / Universal Design for Learning Instruction and Assessment (30 hours)
UPED680 / Team-Based Learning (30 hours)
UPED682 / Interactive Teaching (15 hours)