UiB Learning Lab
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We help you to use the right tools

Choosing the right tool to achieve the desired learning effect can often be challenging. The UiB Learning Lab can help you to get an overview of tools available at UiB and think of the opportunities these tools give.

Main content

Mitt UiB: the name in our online teaching 

UiB's learning platform Mitt UiB is the natural starting point for all digital teaching at UiB and has several functionalities which facilitate good teaching and learning. 

Digital learning tools at UiB

In addition to MittUiB, we have systems for video, webinars, and recording lectures. 

  • Panopto: Enables you to record the screen during presentations or record video lectures/other teaching using a webcam. You can also upload and save video files you already have or create with your own mobile phone. 
  • Zoom: For video seminars and teaching in real-time with digital two-way communication between you and your students.  
  • Videonotat: Enables you to record physical teaching that takes place in classrooms on campus.

A more detailed description of the tools with links to user guides can be found under the Digital Tools tab.

Artificial intelligence

Tools based on artificial intelligence in education

Need for new solutions? 

The learning lab contributes to the management of the tool portfolio at UiB and can help you and your academic environment if you need new learning tools, or wish to find innovative solutions for how we can utilize existing tools.

Contact the UiB Learning Lab for advice and guidance