Coincidence Analysis

News archive for Coincidence Analysis

John Rich, Edward Miech, Daniel Semenza and Theodore Corbin applied CNA in a new study investigating the effect of 10 firearm laws in US states on homocide and suicide rates.
In a series of news articles, Veli-Pekka Parkkinen informs about new developments concerning the frscore package for CNA robustness analysis. To make the best of frscore, users are encouraged to follow these updates.
The data analysis method of Coincidence Analysis has been introduced to the field of medical informatics: Womack DM, Miech EJ, Fox NJ, Silvey LC, Somerville AM, Eldredge DH, Steege LM. (2022), Coincidence Analysis: A Novel Approach to Modeling Nurses' Workplace Experience, Applied Clinical Informatics, (4):794-802. doi: 10.1055/s-0042-1756368.