LINGCLIM: Language, climate and lifestyle

News archive for LINGCLIM: Language, climate and lifestyle

On Thursday, 28th January 2021, postdoctoral fellow Ida Vikøren Andersen held a presentation on «Vær rebelsk – bli veganer!» Norsk ungdoms retoriske framing av bærekraftige levemåter.» (English: "Be rebellious – go vegan! Young Norwegians' rhetorical framing of sustainable lifestyles") for the research group Environmental Humanities (HUMKLIM).
On Friday, 22nd January, the interdisciplinary research group LINGCLIM had a digital meeting with its Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC) in order to get technical and strategic advice for the CLIMLIFE research project.
Project leader Kjersti Fløttum and research assistant Jana Paulina Scheurer have started data collection for a school survey connected to the CLIMLIFE research project.
On Friday, January 15th, PhD candidate Runa Falck held a presentation on language and climate for Viken Fylkeskommune (Viken County Council).