Lecture | Litteraturhuset
Members from Centre for Nutrition at Litteraturhuset
Members from Centre for Nutrition participated in the panel of experts at the lecture "Tåler det ikke!" at Litteraturhuset on August 8th.

PANEL OF EXPERTS: From left: Marion Solheim (moderator), Trygve Hausken, Anna Bistrup, Torgeir Storaas, Hanna Fjeldheim Dale and Rune Mentzoni participated in the panel of experts at the lecture "Tåler det ikke!" at Litteraturhuset on August 8th.
Kim E. Andreassen
Main content
Updated: 02.04.2019 (First published: 23.08.2018)
Professor Trygve Hausken and PhD-candidate Hanna Fjeldheim Dale from Centre for Nutrition participated in the panel of experts at the lecture "Tåler det ikke!" at Litteraturhuset on August 8th.
Read more about the event here.
Watch the streaming here.