The Crown Prince Haakon Research Award for Asthma and Allergy 2020
The Leader of the Centre for Nutrition, Gülen Arslan Lied, is awarded The Crown Prince Haakon Research Award for Asthma and Allergy 2020.

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Lied is given the award due to her efforts on research on food allergy and intolerance. The award consist of 50.000 NOK and is distributed by The Research Fund for Asthma and Allergy to a researcher that has shown great efforts within the research field of asthma and allergy.
The Research Fund for Asthma and Allergy was founded by the Norwegian Asthma and Allergy Federation (NAAF) in 1963. The purpose of the fund is to promote research within the fields of asthma and allergy. In addition to the award, annual funds for research projects are given.
Due to COVID-19, the award ceremony will be held in 2021.