Declaration on "Pandemic, diversity and social inequality"
During the conference on "Pandemic, diversity and social inequality" in Bergen in October, researchers started working on a declaration based on knowledge and experiences from the pandemic. The declaration has now been published and is open to read.

Main content
The aim of the conference, and the following declaration, was to exchange knowledge and experiences about 1) How the pandemic has revealed and reinforced health inequalities, and the need to integrate diversity into emergency plans. 2) What society can learn from the pandemic to reduce health inequalities in an inclusive way.
The conference brought together over 100 participants from academia, public institutions, trade and industry, the voluntary sector, health workers, journalists and politicians from all over the country. A working committee (Kumar, Jamtvedt, Hansen and Diaz) compiled the main findings from the conference based on keynotes and abstracts. This formed the basis for the declaration.
You can read the full declaration here: The road from knowledge to change – pandemics, diversity and social inequality declaration