Pandemic Centre

Legal and human rights aspects of pandemic preparedness

Welcome to this guest lecture on legal and human rights aspects in pandemic preparedness with lawyer and doctor in medical law Yana Litins'ka from Lund University.

illustrasjonsbilde Yana Litins'ka og lovgivning
Lunds universitet/Colourbox

Main content

With the Covid 19 pandemic fresh in mind, Doctor Yana Litins'ka from Lund University will hold an exciting guest lecture on the opportunities and obstacles the legislation poses for the implementation of effective infection control measures. Litins'ka is involved in a larger research project called "Improved preparedness for future pandemics and other health crises through large-scale disease surveillance".  

The presentation at the Department of Law will emphasize legal and and human rights issues related to pandemic preparedness.

Litins'ka will, among other things, touch on infection control management in Sweden and raise the question why no lockdown was implemented during the corona pandemic. She will further reflect on the legislation and its effectiveness when tracing a disease. 

In the lecture she will also discuss how the legislation can be adjusted and adapted to new public health threats and diseases based on the experiences from the covid 19 pandemic and the HIV epidemic.