Press Release
Nature's Conscience and Ratcliffe Peregrine Day
Nature's Conscience - The Life and Legacy of Derek Ratcliffe, edited by Des Thompson, John Birks, and Hilary Birks, was published April 2015.
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Published: 14.04.2015
Derek Ratcliffe was Britain's foremost mountain ecologist, ornithologist, and nature conservationist. He was a life-long friend of Hilary and John. Between 1990 and 2004, he made 14 trips to north Fennoscandia and published a wide-ranging book on Lapland's natural history.
Further details about Nature's Conscience can be found from the links on the right.
To celebrate this book release, British ornithologists have declared April 21 to be Ratcliffe Peregrine Day in honour of Derek Ratcliffe's finding of his first Peregrine nest on 21 April 1945. (It is also Hilary Birks' birthday!)
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