The Laboratory Animal Facility

Publications and projects from the animal facility

Beside being av core facility - that supports researchers at Uib - the Animal Facility also run own project in the field of Laboratory Animal Science and 3Rs.

Main content

Publikasjoner fra Dyreavdlingen

  1. Book chapter: 9. Harm to research animals, severity categories and Humane endpoints by Aurora Brønstad in Handbook on 3rs in the context of directive 63/2010 by Gianni Dal Negro – To be published in 2022 by ELSEVIER (Submitted)

  2. Book chapter: Experimental Design and Reproducibility in Preclinical Animal Studies. Volume 1 in Laboratory Animal Science and Medicine series to be published in 2021 – Editors: José M. Sánchez-Morgado, Aurora Brønstad - in press

  3. Examining compliance with ethical standards for animal research - is there a need for refinement? – A qualitative study from northern Europe. Aurora Brønstad, Department of clinical medicine, University of Bergen, Norway, Peter Sandøe, Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences and Department of Food and Resource Economics, University of Copenhagen, Denmark, Laboratory Animals 2019 May 1:23677219841080. doi: 10.1177/0023677219841080

  4. Response to the article “Mapping the Teaching of Laboratory Animal Science and Medicine in the European Union and European Free Trade Area” Aurora Brønstad and Peter Glerup. Letter to editor, Journal of Veterinary Medical Education 2019 46:1
  5. Current Concepts of Harm-Benefit Assessment of Animal Research - A Mini Review – Aurora Brønstad, Journal of Infectiology 2018; 1(1): 16-18
  6. Recommendations for addressing harm–benefit analysis and implementation in ethical evaluation Report from the AALAS–FELASA working group on harm–benefit analysis – Part 2. Kathy Laber, Christian E Newcomer, Thierry Decelle, Jeffrey I Everitt, Javier Guillen and Aurora Brønstad Laboratory Animals Lab Anim June 2016 vol. 50 no. 1 suppl 21-42
  7. Current concepts of harm–benefit analysis of animal experiments – Report from the AALAS–FELASA working group on harm–benefit analysis – Part 1 Aurora Brønstad, Christian E Newcomer, Thierry Decelle, Jeffrey I Everitt, Javier Guillen and Kathy Laber. Laboratory Animals June 2016 vol. 50 no. 1 suppl 1-20
  8. 3R CULTURE, COMPLINACE and CONSEQUENCES Aurora Brønstad, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Bergen, Norway, Anne-Grethe Trønsdal Berg Høgskolen i Nord-Trøndelag, Norway FELASA proceedings page 24-28
  9. The role of orgaizational culture in compliance with the 3Rs, Aurora Brønstad, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, University of Bergen, Norway, Anne-Grethe Trønsdal BergHøgskolen i Nord-Trøndelag, Norway, Lab Animal - 40, 1 (2011) p 22-26
  10. ESF.EMRC Position on the Proposal for a Directive on the Protection of Animal used for Scientific Purposes, European Science Foundation – expert group
  11. Rony Kalman R, I Anna Olsson, Claudio Bernardi, Frank van den Broek, Aurora Bronstad, Istvan Gyertyan, Aavo Lang, Katerina  A. Marinou, Walter Zeller. Ethical evaluation of procedures for experiments involving animals. Recommendations for ethics committees. In Howard B, Perretta G, Nevalainen T (eds): COST Manual for the care and use of laboratory animals: Refinement, reduction and research. CRC press Oct 2010, ISBN:  9781439824924 (p101-130)
  12. Brønstad A, Dontas I. Imaging techniques. In Howard B, Perretta G, Nevalainen T (eds): COST Manual for the care and use of laboratory animals: Refinement, reduction and research. CRC press Oct 2010, ISBN:  9781439824924 (p287-312)

Animal Assisted therapy

  • Dyreassistert terapi i psykiatrien - en oversikt over dyreassistert terapi med historie, forskning og dagens situasjon, og en spørreundersøkelse blant helsepersonell i psykiatrien  - Tonje Bjørnestad, medisinstudent ved UiB, Kull 15A -2020
  • Økonomisk evaluering av  hesteassistert terapi (HAT) - Master i samfunnsøkonomi - Magnus Espeland - Juni 2020
  • Hundeassistert terapi for pasientar med schizofreni og relaterte lidingar - Undertittel: Ein systematisk oversikt over effekten av hundeassistert terapi for pasientar med schizofreni og andre psykoserelaterte lidingar - Malene Tyssedal (i arbeid)


The aim of the FISHends-Dig project is to prepare a digital scoring form for use in registering and scoring clinical symptoms in fish in trials.

The purpose of the scoring form is to determine early more humane endpoints in fish studies.

Determining human endpoints in animal experiments is important for refining animal experiments and for avoiding unnecessary strain on animals.

  • FISHEnd-DIG is a project that works for better welfare in fish studies through systematic collection and processing of data from experiments.
  • Our working hypothesis is that we learn through methodical processing of information and with that we can conduct continuous improvement and refining studies.

FISHends-DIG is a multidisiplinary collaboration between Fish Health at UiB, Department of clinical medicine UiB, ILAB, Marineholmen RASLAB and AMC-Technology and has received project support from norecopa

You can read more about the project

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