Visit from Penn State University
Professor Geoff Scott of Penn State University in the United States has very recently visited the faculty.

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On Thursday 20 August an exclusive audience received an interesting lecture on Intellectual property rights, focusing on Professor Scott’s special field of expertise: musical infringement cases. Many fascinating examples were presented by Professor Scott. These cases are usually solved by settlements, as court cases are exorbitantly expensive in the United States. Similar cases in Australia were also presented.
The Research group for Competition and Market Law hosted Professor Scott’s visit to Bergen. The visit is the first step towards a broader cooperation with Penn State University. An exchange student from Penn State, Tucker Anderson, arrived on Monday and will stay at the faculty till Christmas. Included in his stay is an internship at BTO (Bergen Teknologioverføring).
In October several members of the research group, representatives from BTO and the faculty administration will visit Penn State University, attending joint workshops on patent law, copyright law, trade secrets and commercialization of research, in addition to studying the Penn State´s use of ICT in teaching and long distance learning.