Analyses of Environmental Conflicts and their Impacts; The Case of Oil and Gas Refining in Africa
My project is focused on understanding impacts of environmental conflicts with focus on oil and gas refining in Africa.

Main content
The research is geared at discovering major threats to the environment from oil and gas refining, outcomes of stakeholders (Government actors, Environmental Organisations, State Enterprises, International Companies and general public) involvement in environment conflicts in Africa and also to proffer solutions to potential risks from oil and gas refining in Africa. The overall purpose is to ensure good environmental condition and sustainability globally.
I am currently using the database from Environmental Justice Atlas as primary source of data and gathering secondary data from relevant and reliable online sources (Google scholar and others).
Studying Geography in Bergen has been a great opportunity for me to witness physically many of the themes that have been discussed in lecture room.
Bergen's unique physical attributes that comprises of geographic features such as mountains, fjords and other landscapes makes learning practicable.
I would advice new master students that you set a goal for yourself and follow a proper timetable daily to avoid distractions as it is very easy to get distracted with other activities in the environment. Also, I would advice that you start working on your research interest as early as possible to have enough time and a well structured thesis in the end.