LINGCLIM: Language, climate and lifestyle
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"Responsibility for Climate Change Mitigation: Comparing Politicians and Citizens"

Ph.d. candidate Runa Falck held a presentation on "Responsibility for Climate Change Mitigation: Comparing Politicians and Citizens" at the DIGSSCORE lunch seminar, 15th February 2022.

Runa Falck
Runa Falck

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Runa Falck, PhD at the Department of Foreign Languages and member of the LINGCLIM research group, held a presentatioin on "Responsibility for Climate Change Mitigation: Comparing Politicians and Citizens" at a seminar organized by DIGSSCORE, 15th February 2022. In her presentation, Falck examines whether there is evidence for a so-called "governance trap", that is whether the government seeks to attribute primary responsibility to individuals and vice versa, by comparing how politicians and the population attribute responsibility for climate mitigation. Falck's research is based on data from the Panel of Elected Representatives and the Norwegian Citizen Panel.