
Main content
NMR teaching resources on the Web
- Basics on NMR. Book on basic NMR with animations, by Joseph Hornak, Rochester Institute of Technology.
- Videos from Paul Callaghan. Teaching videos by Paul Callaghan. Nice introduction to NMR theory
- MriTuror, with intro to MR physics.
- MriEducation. MRI courses online.
- Intro to MR physics.
- Nuclear Magnetic Resonance in Wikipedia.
- Stan's NMR Blog. A blog abot NMR created by Stan Sýkora. Very useful and interesting. A lot of news and historical stuff.
- The wxProdOp program is used in the KJEM306 course to perform manipulations of product operators for simple spin systems and a variety of important pulse sequences. The wxProdOp program is freely available, and can be installed on Windows PC, Linux box, and even on Mac OS X: Link 1. Link 2.
- PJNMR. Simple simulator. It requires registration for free download.
- SPINEVOLUTION. Advanced simulator program for solid- and liquid state NMR. Still awaiting the promised free educational version, tough...
- SIMPSON. Advanced simulator program for solid state NMR.
- PNMR. Advanced simulator program for solid state NMR.
- INSENSITIVE. Very intuitive simulator! Mac-only, and for iPhone, iPad, IPod.
- Spinach. Very advanced NMR simulator. It requires MatLab.
- GAMMA. Powerful simulator, but it requires a tiny bit of C++ programming!
Recommended books
- Basic One- and Two-dimensional NMR-spectroscopy, by Hoerst Friebolin
- 200 and More NMR Experiments, by S. Berger and S. Braun
- Understanding NMR Spectroscopy, by James Keeler
- Spin Dynamics: Basics of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, by Malcolm Levitt
- Principles of Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Microscopy, by Paul Callaghan
- NMR Studies of Translational Motion: Principles and Applications, by William Price
Norwegian Society for Magnetic Resonance (NSMR). Become a member of the newly established NSMR.