Quaternary geology and Paleoclimate
ICE2ICE Kick-Off Meeting in Copenhagen

ICE2ICE Kick-Off Meeting in Copenhagen

ICE2ICE Kick-Off Meeting in Copenhagen Accompanied by music and a short promotional movie, the ERC Synergy project ‘ice2ice’ got off to a splendid start September 15 – heading off the Kick-off workshop in Copenhagen September 15–17.

Ice2Ice kick-off meeting in Copenhagen
ICE2ICE Kick-Off Meeting in Copenhagen Accompanied by music and a short promotional movie, the ERC Synergy project ‘ice2ice’ got off to a splendid start September 15 – heading off the Kick-off workshop in Copenhagen September 15–17.
Erik Sandquist

Main content

Accompanied by music and a short promotional movie, the ERC Synergy project ‘ice2ice’ got off to a splendid start September 15 – heading off the Kick-off workshop in Copenhagen September 15–17. Among the 78 participants were VIPs from all four partner institutions and representatives from the ERC Headquarters in Brussels. The event took place in historical surroundings in the Carlsberg Brewery set in the house given to Niels Bohr as an honorary mansion. Addresses from the partner institutions and lectures outlining the challenges set the frame for an exciting and very ambitious project that aims to make a large step in our understanding of rapid climate changes in the past; on the response of the Greenland Ice Sheet to abrupt changes in oceans and sea ice cover: and about future risks for such events and rapid sea-level rise. More than 20 PhDs and post docs will be recruited in the next years with lots of
two-way exchange visits between Bergen and Copenhagen. Expect to see many new colleagues here in the years to come.
The promotional video about the project is here. Several more photos can be seen at facebook.