

A selection of the works by members of this research area.

Main content

  • Pichler, Alois Style, Method and Philosophy in Wittgenstein, in the series "Elements in the Philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein", Cambridge University Press, 2023
  • Cahill, Kevin M. Towards a Philosophical Anthropology of Culture - Naturalism, Relativism, and Skepticism, Routledge 2021
  • Bangu, Sorin. Forthcoming. Hard and Blind: On Wittgenstein’s Genealogical View of Logical Necessity. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research.

  • Bangu, Sorin. 2020. ‘Changing the style of thinking’. Wittgenstein on Superlatives, Revisionism, and Cantorian Set Theory. Iyyun. The Philosophical Quarterly of Jerusalem. 68: 339-359. Invited paper for the special issue dedicated to commemorating Mark Steiner. Yemima Ben-Menahem (ed.)

  • Trächtler, Jasmin. 2020. Wittgenstein on 'Imaginability' as a Criterion for Logical Possibility https://www.nordicwittgensteinreview.com/article/view/3536

  • Säätelä, Simo. 2019. The “Looping Problem” and the Limit of Language: Wittgenstein on “Transitive” vs. “Intransitive” Meaning and Understanding. Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society; Volume xxvii. pp. 217-219

  • Cahill, Kevin. 2018. Tractarian Ethics. Pp. 96-125. In: Hans Sluga and David Stern. (Eds.) 2018 The Cambridge Companion to Wittgenstein, 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press. 
  • Cahill, Kevin; Thomas Raleigh. (Eds). 2018. Wittgenstein and Naturalism. New York: Routledge. 
  • Pichler, Alois. 2018. Wittgenstein on understanding: language, calculus and practice. Pp. 45-60. In: Stern, David G. (Ed.) 2018. Wittgenstein in the 1930s: Between the Tractatus and the Investigations. Cambridge Univ. Press. 
  • Pichler, Alois. 2018. Ludwig Wittgenstein: A report of two dreams from October 1942 (Ms -126, 21 –26). Nordic Wittgenstein Review. 7: 101-107. doi: https://doi.org/10.15845/nwr.v7i1.3499 
  • Bangu, Sorin. 2018. Later Wittgenstein and the Genealogy of Mathematical Necessity. In Wittgenstein and Naturalism. K. Cahill and T. Raleigh (eds.) Pp. 151-173. Routledge. 
  • Bengtsson, Gisela; Säätelä, Simo; Pichler, Alois (Eds.) 2018. New Essays on Frege: Between Science and Literature. Nordic Wittgenstein Studies Series. Springer. 
  • Cahill, Kevin; Martin Gustafsson; Thomas Schwarz-Wenzer (eds.) 2017. Finite but Unbounded: New Approaches in Philosophical Anthropology. Berlin Studies in Knowledge Research. Berlin: de Gruyter. 
  • Cahill, Kevin. 2017. ‘A Purely Self-Regarding Ethics’: Response to Sluga. In Wittgenstein’s Moral Thought. Ed Dain and Reshef Agam-Segal (Eds.) London: Routledge. Pp. 223-245 
  • Cahill, Kevin. 2017. A Degenerate Case of Action. In Finite but Unbounded: New Approaches in Philosophical Anthropology. Berlin Studies in Knowledge Research. Berlin: de Gruyter. Pp. 119-132 
  • Gangopadhyay, Nivedita; Pichler, Alois. 2017. Understanding the immediacy of other minds. European Journal of Philosophy. 25: 1305-1326. doi: 10.1111/ejop.12196 
  • Säätelä, Simo. 2017. Absolute and Relative Value in Aesthetics. In: Aesthetics Today: Contemporary Approaches to the Aesthetics of Nature and of Arts. Proceedings of the 39th International Wittgenstein Symposium in Kirchberg. Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, Pp. 349-364 
  • Bangu, Sorin. 2016. Later Wittgenstein on the Logicist Definition of Number. In Early Analytic Philosophy. New Perspectives on the Tradition. S. Costreie (ed.) Western Ontario Series in Philosophy of Science Series. General ed. W. Demopoulos. Pp. 233-257. Springer. 
  • Cahill, Kevin. 2016. The Habitus, Coping Practices and the Search for the Ground of Action. Philosophy of the Social Sciences. 46.5: 498-524 
  • Cahill, Kevin. 2016. Wittgenstein’s Paganism. In Wittgenstein and Normative Inquiry (eds.) Mark Bevir and Andrius Galisanka. Leiden: Brill. Pp. 174-191 
  • Pichler, Alois. 2015. Ludwig Wittgenstein and Us 'Typical Western Scientists'. p. 55-75. In: Greve, Sebastian Sunday; Mácha, Jakub. 2015. Wittgenstein and the Creativity of Language. Palgrave Macmillan. 
  • Cahill, Kevin. 2014. Quietism or Description? McDowell in Dispute with Dreyfus. The Review of Metaphysics 68 (December 2014): 395-409 
  • Cahill, Kevin. 2014. Naturalism and the Friends of Understanding. Philosophy of the Social Sciences. 44(4): 460-477 
  • Pichler, Alois. 2013. The philosophical investigations and syncretistic writing. p. 65-80. In: Venturinha, Nuno. (Ed.) 2013. The Textual Genesis of Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations. Routledge. 
  • Sørli, Richard. 2013. Logisk fremmed tenkning: Frege (og Kant) Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 48.(3-4): 208-218 
  • Pichler, Alois. 2013. Reflections on a prominent argument in the Wittgenstein debate. Philosophy and Literature. 37: 435-450. doi: 10.1353/phl.2013.0026 
  • Säätelä, Simo. 2013. Aesthetics ‒ Wittgenstein’s Paradigm of Philosophy? Aisthesis. 6.(1): 35-53 
  • Bangu, Sorin. 2012. Wynn's Experiments and Later Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Mathematics Iyyun. The Jerusalem Philosophical Quarterly 61: 219–41 
  • Bangu, Sorin. 2012. Ludwig Wittgenstein: Later Philosophy of Mathematics. J. Fieser & B. Dowden (eds.) Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Online: https://www.iep.utm.edu/wittmath/ 
  • Sørli, Richard. 2012. Cul-de-sac: om Badiou om Wittgenstein. Agora: Journal for metafysisk spekulasjon 30.(1): 271-287 
  • Cahill, Kevin. 2011. The Fate of Wonder: Wittgenstein’s Critique of Metaphysics and Modernity. New York: Columbia University Press 
  • Cahill, Kevin. 2011. 30. Dezember 1929, Zu Heidegger: Was Konnte Wittgenstein sich Denken? In Ungesellige Geselligkeiten/Unsocial Sociabilities. Esther Ramharter (ed.) Berlin: Parerga Verlag. Pp. 97-118 
  • Säätelä, Simo. 2011. From Logical Method to 'Messing About': Wittgenstein on 'Open Problems' in Mathematics. In Kuusela, O.; McGinn, M. (Eds.) 2011. The Oxford Handbook of Wittgenstein. Oxford Univ. Press. Pp. 159-178 
  • Cahill, Kevin. 2009. Explanation, Wonder, and the Cultural Point of the Tractatus. Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift. Vol. 44, no. 3-4: 206-217 
  • Cahill, Kevin. 2009. Bildung and Decline. Philosophical Investigations. 32.1: 23-43 
  • Pichler, Alois. 2009. Wittgenstein’s albums: "Philosophical Investigations" and "Philosophical Remarks" as alternatives to the 'spirit of progress' in philosophy. Coleção CLE. 55: 57-97 
  • Säätelä, Simo T S. 2009. Estetik, matematik och filosofisk metod: Wittgenstein om 'den sällsamma likheten' mellan en estetisk undersökning och en filosofisk undersökning i matematiken. Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift. Volum 44.(3-4): 274-288 
  • Sørli, Richard. 2009. Critique of Pure Language. In Acknowledging Stanley Cavell. N. Forsberg og S. Jansson (Eds.) Uppsala Philosophical Studies 56: 197-122 
  • Sørli, Richard. 2009. En anti-ortodoks tilnærming til Wittgensteins såkalte privatspråkargument. Norsk Filosofisk Tidsskrift 44.(3/4): 230-245 
  • Cahill, Kevin. 2008. Wittgenstein and the Fate of Metaphysics. Sats: Nordic Journal of Philosophy. (9) 2: 61-73 
  • Cahill, Kevin. 2008. Elucidation, Meta-Philosophy, and Hacker’s Use of ‘External Evidence’. Journal of Philosophical Research. Volume 33: 73-99 
  • Pichler, Alois. 2007. The Interpretation of the Philosophical Investigations: Style, Therapy, Nachlass. p. 123-144. In: Kahane, Guy; Kanterian, Edward; Kuusela, Oskari. 2007. Wittgenstein and His Interpreters: Essays in Memory of Gordon Baker. Blackwell Publishing. 
  • Pichler, Alois; Säätelä, Simo T S. (eds.) 2006. Wittgenstein: The Philosopher and his Works. Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society. Heusenstamm: Ontos. 
  • Cahill, Kevin. 2006. The Concept of Progress in Wittgenstein’s Thought. The Review of Metaphysics. September, 2006, Volume LX (1): 71-100 
  • Säätelä, Simo T S; Pichler, Alois. 2006. Introduction. In Säätelä, Simo T S; Pichler, Alois. (Eds.) Wittgenstein: The Philosopher and his Works. Ontos. Pp. 13-71 
  • Bangu, Sorin. 2005. Later Wittgenstein on Essentialism, Family Resemblance and Philosophical Method. Metaphysica 6 (2): 53-73 
  • Cahill, Kevin. 2004. Ethics and the Tractatus: A Resolute Failure. Philosophy. Volume 79 (1): 33-55 
  • Cahill, Kevin. 2004. The Tractatus, Ethics, and Authenticity. Journal of Philosophical Research. Volume 29: 267-288 
  • Pichler, Alois. 2004. Wittgensteins Philosophische Untersuchungen: Vom Buch zum Album. Amsterdam / New York: Rodopi. 
  • Säätelä, Simo. 2002. 'Perhaps the most important thing in connection with aesthetics': Wittgenstein on "aesthetic reactions". Revue Internationale de Philosophie Vol. 56 (219): 49-72 
  • Säätelä, Simo. 2002. Human Beings and Automatons. Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society 2002; Vol. X: 214-215 
  • Säätelä, Simo. 2001. Art, Opinions, and Attitudes. Contributions of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society 2001. Vol. IX (2): 258-263