GHIG PhD seminars
The GHIG PhD seminar series is coordinated by Nawar Sayyad and Øystein Holmelid. In addition to meeting colleagues and learning something new, you can earn credits by attending and presenting something at these seminars.
Main content
The GHIG seminars are coordinated by PhDs for PhDs. The seminars take place the last Thursday of every month and alternate between Alrek and C12. The seminars are a great space to meet colleagues, listen to interesting presentations relevant to you as a Phd, as well as gaining course credit. By attending 10 seminars and presenting something at one of them you can obtain 1 ECT.
All Phds are invited to the seminars, however we only have an agreement for PhDs from GHIG and CDP for gaining course credit. If you are from a differnt graduate school and want to gain the 1 ECT, just contact us and we can look into it with administration.
Program for spring 2024
The seminars give the opportunity to present whatever you want or need feedback on (for example dissemination skills or content). There are "open" slots in the program for PhD presentations, and it's possible to arrange additional seminars for PhD presentations by talking to the coordinators Nawar and Øystein.
When | Where | Who |
25.01, 12.00 – 13.00 | Alrek, 2F15 Tarlebø | Cecilie Nordbotten: How to build an academic CV. The meeting room is booked till 15.30 if you wish to work from Alrek the rest of the day. |
22.02, 12.00 – 13.00 | C12 | Rune Krumsvik - How to write a dissertation |
21.03, 12.00 – 13.00
| Alrek, 3F9 Hardbakka | Olin Blaalid Oldeide: Supervising students as a Phd-candidate. The meeting room is booked till 15.30 if you wish to work from Alrek the rest of the day. |
25.04, 12.00 – 13.00 | C12 | Øystein Holmelid presents as a practice for his upcoming conference-presentation. There is room for one more presentation. |
23.05, 12.00 – 13.00 | Alrek, 2F15 Tarlebøe | Open The meeting room is booked till 15.30 if you wish to work from Alrek the rest of the day. |
06.06, 14.00 – 15.00 Social gathering from 15.00 and onwards | Alrek, HEMIL møterom (2.floor, hall A) | Open |
If you wish to present something or have questions contact Nawar ( or Øystein (