Doctoral Defences GHIG
Main content
06.12.23 | Mathisen, Frida | "Change and Stability in Self-Reported Leisure-time Physical Activity Across Four Decades. Heterogeneity, domains and determinants". |
17.11.23 | Brea Larios, Dixie | "Coping strategies for mental health problems among refugee groups in Norway". |
17.11.23 | Jensen, Monica | "Problematisk og skadelig seksuell atferd blant barn. Begreper, karakteristika og vurdering i norsk kontekst". |
20.10.23 | Kristensen, Madeleine | "The intraindividual relations between social and academic self-efficacy, loneliness, academic stress and psychological distress in adolescence". |
17.03.23 | Tahir, Hajra | "We Want it That Way: The Acculturation of Muslims in Multicultural and Pluralistic Societies from Minority and Majority Group Perspectives". |
14.10.22 | Hopprekstad, Øystein | "Exposure and reactions to workplace bullying: The role of prior victimization from bullying". |
23.09.22 | Gregersen, Thea | "Climate change perceptions across Europe. From climate change beliefs to climate change mitigation behaviors". |
02.09.22 | Velure, Grete K. | "Symptom burden and health-related quality of life in cancer survivors undergoing hyperbaric oxygen therapy for pelvic late radiation tissue injuries. A mixed-methods study." |
22.06.22 | Ampim, Gloria | "Transforming gender relations? Men’s involvement in care for their partners and households at the time of pregnancy in rural and urban Ghana – A qualitative study". |
17.06.22 | Aarestad, Sarah | "Treating the aftermath of exposure to workplace bullying and preventing exclusion from working life. The effect of individual resilience, return to work self-efficacy and work-focused metacognitive and cognitive treatment." |
08.06.22 | Stokkebekk, Jan | "Navigating Prolonged Conflict: Subject positions and meaning constructions in postdivorce families". |
07.06.22 | Ågotnes, Kari Wik | "Work-related risk factors for workplace bullying. The moderating effect of laissez-faire leadership." |
06.05.22 | Larsen, Marit H. | "Service support and quality of life for youth in foster care". |
22.04.22 | Harris, Samantha | "Mental health encounters between general practitioners and individuals with a refugee background - Help seeking and provision in the resettlement context". |
25.03.22 | Olaniyan, Samuel | "Embracing both sides of the same coin: Work-related psychosocial risks and resources among child welfare workers". |
01.10.21 | Oldeide, Olin | "Local drug prevention - From policy to practice: A qualitative case study of policy makers, outreach social workers and at-risk youths". |
03.09.21 | Johnsen, Anja | "Barn og unge i fattige familier: Selvoppfattet skolekompetanse, etnisitet og akademisk resiliens. Hvilke faktorer kan fremme skoleprestasjoner hos barn og unge i risiko?". |
18.06.21 | Herrero Arias, Raquel | "Negotiating parenting culture, identity, and belonging. The experiences of Southern European parents raising their children in Norway". |
18.12.20 | Potrebny, Thomas | “Temporal trends in psychological distress and healthcare utilization among young people”. |
03.12.20 | Hagen, Susanne | «Helse i alt kommunen gjør? ...» - en undersøkelse av samvariasjoner mellom kommunale faktorer og norske kommuners bruk av folkehelsekoordinator, fokus på levekår og prioritering av fordelingshensyn blant sosioøkonomiske grupper. |
24.04.20 | Nilsen, Sondre | "After the Divorce: Academic Achievement, Mental Health, and Health Complaints in Adolescence". |
13.09.19 | Sveinsdottir, Vigdis | “Supported Employment and preventing Early Disability (SEED)”. |
11.10.19 | Synnevåg, Ellen | “Planning for Public Health. Balancing top-down and bottom-up approaches in Norwegian municipalities.” |
30.08.19 | Nordmo, Morten | “Sleep and naval performance. The impact of personality and leadership”. |
01.03.19 | Heradstveit, Ove | "Alcohol- and drug use among adolescents. School-related problems, childhood mental health problems, and psychiatric diagnoses". |
19.11.18 | Darkwah, Ernest | "Caring for “parentless” children. An exploration of work-related experiences of caregivers in children’s homes in Ghana". |
09.11.18 | Barua, Padmaja | "Unequal Interdependencies: Exploring Power and Agency in Domestic Work Relations in Contemporary India". |
04.05.18 | Fylkesnes, Knag Marte | "Frykt, forhandlinger og deltakelse. Familier med etnisk minoritetsbakgrunn i møte med den norske barneverntjenesten". |
27.04.18 | Brattabø, Vaksdal Ingfrid | "Detection of child maltreatment, the role of dental health personnel. – A national cross-sectional study among public dental health personnel in Norway". |
27.06.17 | Fismen, Anne-Siri | “Adolescent eating habits. Trends and socio-economic status”. |
22.06.17 | Bakhturidze, George | “Public Participation in Tobacco Control Policy-making in Georgia” |
31.05.17 | Urke, Helga Bjørnøy | "Child health and child care of very young children in Bolivia, Colombia and Peru". |
07.04.17 | Søvik, Margaret | "Evaluating the implementation of the Empowering Coaching™ program in Norway". |
31.01.17 | Jamaludin, Nor Lelawati | “The “why” and “how” of International Students’ Ambassadorship Roles in International Education” |
18.01.17 | Katisi, Masego | “The power of context in health partnerships: Exploring synergy and antagony between external and internal ideologies in implementing Safe Male Circumcision (SMC) for HIV prevention in Botswana” |
12.12.16 | Doran, Rouven | “Eco-friendly travelling: The relevance of perceived norms and social comparison” |
06.12.16 | Hollekim, Ragnhild | “Contemporary discourses on children and parenting in Norway. An empirical study based on two cases.” |
28.10.16 | Chimhutu, Victor | “Results-Based Financing (RBF) in the health sector of a low-income country. From agenda setting to implementation: The case of Tanzania” |
21.10.16 | Reknes, Iselin | "Exposure to workplace bullying among nurses: Health outcomes and individual coping” |
20.09.16 | Glambek, Mats | "Workplace bullying and expulsion in working life: A representative study addressing prospective associations and explanatory conditions". |
01.09.16 | Øyeflaten, Irene | “Long-term sick leave and work rehabilitation. Prognostic factors for return to work.” |
24.08.16 | Løvoll, Helga | “Inside the outdoor experience. On the distinction between pleasant and interesting feelings and their implication in the motivational process.” |
09.06.16 | Ree, Eline | “Staying at work. The role of expectancies and beliefs in health and workplace interventions.” |
08.06.16 | Slåtten, Hilde | “Gay-related name-calling among young adolescents. Exploring the importance of the context.” |
06.11.15 | Knapstad, Marit | "Psychological factors in long-term sickness absence: the role of shame and social support. Epidemiological studies based on the Health Assets Project." |
16.10.15 | Løvvik, Camilla | "Common mental disorders and work participation – the role of return-to-work expectations". |
04.09.15 | Wubs, Annegreet | "Intimate partner violence among adolescents in South Africa and Tanzania". |
19.05.15 | Jakobsen, Hilde | “The good beating: Social norms supporting men’s partner violence in Tanzania”. |
19.03.15 | Amugsi, Dickson | “Child Care Practices, Resources for Care, and Nutritional Outcomes in Ghana: Findings from Demographic and Health Surveys”. |
18.03.15 | Matanda, Deenis | “Child physical growth and care practices in Kenya:Evidence from Demographic and Health Surveys”. |
06.01.15 | Hauken, May Aasebø | “The cancer treatment was only half the work!” – A mixed-method study of rehabilitation of young adult cancer survivors”. |
17.12.14 | Hesjedal, Elisabeth | “Tverrprofesjonelt samarbeid mellom skule og barnevern: Kva kan støtte utsette barn og unge?” |
28.05.14 | Tjora, Tore | “Smoking from adolescence through adulthood: the role of family, friends, depression and socioeconomic status. Predictors of smoking from age 13 to 30 in the “The Norwegian Longitudinal Health Behaviour Study” (NLHB)”. |
20.03.14 | Urheim, Ragnar | "Forståelse av pasientaggresjon og forklaringer på nedgang i voldsrate ved Regional sikkerhetsavdeling, Sandviken sykehus". |
05.12.13 | Johansen, Rino Bandlitz | "The impact of military identity on performance in the Norwegian Armed Forces". |
07.11.13 | Mortensen, Øystein | "The transistion to parenthood – couple relationships put to the test". |
28.08.13 | Gianella-Malca, Camila | “Challenges in implementing the Colombian Constitutional Court’s Health-Care System Ruling of 2008”. |
12.06.13 | Birkeland, Marianne | "Development of global self-esteem: The transition from adolescence to adulthood". |
06.06.13 | Corbin, Hope | “North-South Partnerships for Health: Key Factors for Partnership Success from the Perspective of the KIWAKKUKI”. |
06.03.13 | Aasen, Elin | "From paternalism to patient participation? The older patients undergoing hemodialysis, their next of kin and the nurses: a discursive perspective on perception of patient participation in dialysis units". |
15.02.13 | Odéen, Magnus | "Coping at work. The role of knowledge and coping expectancies in health and sick leave". |
14.02.13 | Mjaaland, Thera | “At the frontiers of change? Women and girls’ pursuit of education in north-western Tigray, Ethiopia”. |
08.02.13 | Mæland, Silje | "Sick leave for patients with severe subjective health complaints. Challenges in general practice". |
15.01.13 | Knudsen, Ann Kristin | "Long-term sickness absence and disability pension award as consequences of common mental disorders. Epidemiological studies using a population-based health survey and official ill health registries". |
12.12.12 | Rød, Per Arne | "Barn i klem mellom foreldrekonflikter og samfunnsmessig beskyttelse". |
11.12.12 | Hanss, Daniel | "Explaining sustainable consumption: Findings from cross-sectional and intervention approaches". |
10.12.12 | Leversen, Ingrid | "Adolescents’ leisure activity participation and their life satisfaction: The role of demographic characteristics and psychological processes". |
29.11.12 | Skogen, Jens | "Foetal and early origins of old age health. Linkage between birth records and the old age cohort of the Hordaland Health Study (HUSK)". |
27.11.12 | Bakibinga, Pauline | "The experience of job engagement and self-care among Ugandan nurses and midwives". |
16.10.12 | Aasland, Merethe Schanke | "Destructive leadership: Conceptualisation, measurement, prevalence, and outcomes". |
17.09.12 | Horverak, Jøri Gytre | ”Sense or sensibility in hiring processes: Interviewee and interviewer characteristics as antecedents of immigrant applicants` employment probabilities. An experimental approach.” |
21.06.12 | Vie, Tina Løkke | "Cognitive appraisal, emotions and subjective health complaints among victims of workplace bullying: A stress-theoretical approach". |
27.09.11 | Melkevik, Ole | "Screen-based sedentary behaviors: pastimes for the poor, inactive and overweight?" |
01.09.11 | Hauge, Hans A. | "How can employee empowerment be made conducive to both employee health and organisation performance? An empirical investigation of a tailor-made approach to organisation learning in a municipal public service organization". |
07.06.11 | Harris, Anette | "Adaptation and health in extreme and isolated environments. From 78° N to 75° S." |
25.02.11 | Notelaers, Guy | "Workplace bullying. A risk control perspective". |
24.01.11 | Bye, Hege Høivik | " Self-presentation in job interviews. Individual and cultural differences in applicant self-presentation during job interviews and hiring managers’ evaluations". |
16.11.10 | Wolff, Katharina | "To know or not to know? Attitudes towards receiving genetic information among patients and the general public". |
10.11.10 | Viig, Nina Grieg | "Tilrettelegging for læreres deltakelse i helsefremmende arbeid. En kvalitativ og kvantitativ analyse av sammenhengen mellom organisatoriske forhold og læreres deltakelse i utvikling og implementering av Europeisk Nettverk av Helsefremmende Skoler i Norge". |
09.11.10 | Bull, Torill | "Combining employment and child care: The subjective well-being of single women in Scandinavia and Southern Europe". |
03.11.10 | Anker, Morten | "Client directed outcome informed couple therapy". |
02.11.10 | Aanes, Mette | " Poor social relationships as a threat to belongningness needs. Interpersonal stress and subjective health complaints: Mediating and moderating factors". |
01.09.10 | Reme, Silje Endresen | "Common Complaints – Common Cure? Psychiatric comorbidity and predictors of treatment outcome in low back pain and irritable bowel syndrome". |
26.08.10 | Bjørkelo, Brita | "Whistleblowing at work: Antecedents and consequences". |
24.08.10 | Hauge, Lars Johan | "Environmental antecedents of workplace bullying: A multi-design approach". |
30.06.10 | Holthe, Asle | "Evaluating the implementation of the Norwegian guidelines for healthy school meals. A case study involving three secondary schools". |
16.03.10 | Danielsen, Anne Grete | "Perceived psychosocial support, students’ self-reported academic initiative and perceived life satisfaction". |
23.09.09 | Stang, Ingunn | "Being in the same boat: An empowerment intervention in breast cancer self-help groups". |
27.08.09 | Skorpen, Aina og Øye Christine | "Dagliglivet i en psykiatrisk institusjon: En analyse av miljøterapeutiske praksiser Aina Skorpen og Christine Øye disputerer torsdag". |
25.06.09 | Tjomsland, Hege | "Health promotion with teachers. Evaluation of the Norwegian Network of Health Promoting Schools: Quantitative and qualitative analyses of predisposing, reinforcing and enabling conditions related to teacher participation and program sustainability". |
11.05.09 | Guribye, Eugene | “Refugees and mental health interventions”. |
05.05.09 | Nielsen, Morten Birkeland | “Methodological issues in research on workplace bullying. Operationalisations, measurements and samples” |
30.04.09 | Wangberg, Silje C. | "Internet based interventions to support health behaviours: The role of self-efficacy". |