Faculty of Social Sciences

About the faculty

The Faculty of Social Sciences has about 3000 students. The seven departments represent a wide range of research interests and offer programmes and courses on bachelor-, master- and PhD level.

Main content

Faculty management

Vice Dean for ResearchProfessor Siri Gloppen Siri.Gloppen@uib.no, Phone +47 55 58 29 86
Vice Dean for EducationProfessor Knut HidleKnut.hidle@uib.no, phone +47 55 58 30 67
Vice Dean for InnovationProfessor Kristine Jørgensen Kristine.Jorgensen@uib.no, phone  +47 55 58 41 13 


Administrative Management

Director GeneralKirstine Kolsrudkirstine.kolsrud@uib.no 
Phone +47 55 58 91 74
Assistant DirectorVibeke Kyrkjebø IrganVibeke.Irgan@uib.no 
Phone: +47 926 03 364 
Head of Academic AffairsHilde Marie Rognåshilde.rognas@uib.no 
Phone +47 55 58 90 05  
Head of Section, HR-managerBjørn Arild Petersenbjorn.petersen@uib.no
Phone +47 55 58 93 72