Thanks for the effort so far!
Main content
Now that all the group interviews are done, we would like to start by thanking everyone who has participated with a sporty, digital attitude. We have had many interesting, useful, honest, and good conversations with you.
In a short time, you will all receive an e-mail with an invitation to submit written comments if you feel that you have not said what you wanted in the interview, or want to make additional/in-depth comments etc.
When the mapping material is compiled and processed, we move into the analysis phase. Initially, this entails that the project team will invite employees and leaders to an analysis workshop over the summer where findings from the survey will be presented. Together, we will discuss what we find in this foundation that is relevant for the future design of UM.
The analysis workshop will be held in week 35 – final date/time will be determined before the summer in which you will then be informed.