NORA national research school for AI
In Jan 2022, NORA was awarded a national research school for AI by the Research Council of Norway. Under the research school framework, NORA will organise various activities. Now, there's a call open for applications for courses under the research school with the deadline 31 Aug 2022.
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University of Bergen is a founding partner of NORA – Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium, a collaboration within AI, machine learning and robotics between 15 academic institutions in Norway. In Jan 2022, NORA was awarded a national research school for AI (2022-2029) by the Research Council of Norway.
Under the research school framework, NORA will organise various activities including intensive courses and exchange programs for PhD students focused on AI. Membership in NORA's Research School is free and open to any PhD student from Norway with a project related to artificial intelligence, machine learning and/or robotics.
Read more about the NORA Research School: Research School - NORA - Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium
Researchers at NORA member institutions are invited to organize intensive PhD courses as part of the Research School.
Read more about the call for applications for courses - deadline 31 Aug 2022: Courses: Call for Application - NORA - Norwegian Artificial Intelligence Research Consortium