Department of Biological Sciences (BIO)

Master theses submitted in 2004

Main content

12.03.2004 Gro Elin Kjæreng Bjerga ( A.Goksøyr, H.Kleivdal/ R.Male): "Kloning og sekvensanalyse av protein Ser/Thr fosfatase 4 fra blåskjell, Mytilus edulis".

12.03.2004 Marie Therese Løvoll (R.Male, R.Aasland): "Atlantic samon (Salmo salar) estrogen receptor beta: Isolation and characterization of putative splice variants".

26.03.2004 Ingunn Rødland (H.Holmsen, H.B.Jensen): "a-Lactalbumin og biomembraner: Et fysikalsk-kjemisk studie med referanse til brystkreft".

29.04.2004 Katrine Viken Sandnes (A. Goksøyr, B.E. Grøsvik): "Proteomstudiar av blåskjell, Mytilus edulis; normalvariasjon og endringar som skuldast forureining med polyklorerte bifenylar (PCB)".

07.05.2004 Hilde Dahl, H.Holmsen ( J.R.Lillehaug): "Effekt av adrenalin på formforandring, sekresjon, arakidonsyre-frigjøring og tyrosinfosforylering i humane blodplater".

27.05.04 Magnus Blø ( A.Goksøyr, B.E.Grøsvik): "Proteombaserte studier av differensiell proteinekspresjon i laks (Salmo salar L.) eksponert for miljøgifter; in vitro og in vivo studier".

16.06.2004 Inger Marie Haaland (R.C.Brokstad/ L.R.Haaheim, A.J.Raae): "The humoral immune response after influenza viral challenge of mice previously immunised with inactivated influenza vaccine".

18.06.2004 Laura Minsaas (A.Aragay A.M.Szilvay): Monocyte chemoattractant protein-1 (MCP-1) receptor-interacting proteins.

21.06.2004 Ingvild Samdal (I.Hordvik, A.M.Szilvay): "Expression of two fragments from the atlantic salmon major histocompability class 1a chain in E.coli, utilizing two different vector systems".

21.06.2004 Morten Mattingsdal (R.Aasland, P.Puntervoll):"Functional Sites in Proteins: analysis and annotation of five nuclear functional sites for the ELM resource".

22.06.2004 Solveig Mjelstad Angelskår (H.B.Jensen ,O.A.Karlsen/ J.R.Lillehaug): "Studies of Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath): The surface associated protein SapE".

28.06.2004 Linn Silje Wathne Oftedal (S.O.Døskeland, J.R.Lillehaug): "Bioprospecting for marine bioactive natural compounds with potential to induce apoptosis and modulate thrombocyte activation".

16.08.2004 Bjørg Flatekvål (J.R.Lillehaug, L.J.Reigstad): "Biological avtivity of a PDGF-C mutant".

03.09.2004 David Isak Kamal (K.J.Andersen, A.J.Raae): "Purification, characterization and comparison of matrix degrading enzymes from gastro-intestinal tumours and U-251 brain tumour cell-line".

14.10.2004 Stian Nylund (A.M. Silvay, A.H. Nerland): "Characterization of the Atlantic Halibut Noda Virus RNA-dependent RNA polymerase".

14.10.2004 Signe Jordal (A.M. Silvay, A.H. Nerland): "A Study of the Atlantic halibut Nodavirus capsid protein".

15.10.2004 Ingeborg B. Berge (H.Holmsen, J.R. Lillehaug): "Mikropartikkeldannelse i plater: Korrelasjon med aggregasjon og /eller sekresjon?".

15.11.2004 Janniche Torsvik (Lisbeth C. Olsen, Rein Aasland):"Functional analysis of the splice forms vas-l and vas-δ4 during zebrafish germ line development".

16.11.2004 Anne Gjetle (K.J.Andersen, A.J.Raae): "A diatom algas effect on U251 tumour cells and MMP activity".

26.11.2004 Daniel Straume (J.R.Lillehaug, H.B.Jensen/L.Bruseth): "Gene-regulation in Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath): Identifying Cu-regulated genes by analysis of the transcriptome".

20.12.2004 Cathrine Arnason Bøe (J.R.Lillehaug, L.Reigstad): "Study of PDGF-Cs biological effects using 2D-PAGE analysis and mass spectrometry and the localisation of potential pdgf-c transcription start sites"

20.12.2004 Hiwa Målen (J.R.Lillehaug, T.Arnesen): "Post-translational modification study utilizing proteomic techniques: The regulation of human ARD1 protein".

22.12.2004 Anne Hege Straume (H.B.Jensen, F.Berven/J.R.Lillehaug): "Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath); Molecular analyses of a surface exposed heteromultimeric protein complex".

06.01.2005 Lene Valvik (A-H-Nerland, A.M.Silvay): "Sekvensering og in vitro syntese av piggvar nodavirus genom".