Department of Biological Sciences (BIO)

HSE-handbook for Department of Biological Sciences

Ordsky med HMS-relaterte ord montert sammen med et utvendig bilde av instituttet

Main content

General information

This handbook applies to all staff and students at the Department of Biological Sciences (BIO) as well as guests and all other persons making use of BIO's premises and equipment.


The head of department has overall responsibility for HSE work at the department. Responsibility for coordinating the day-to-day work has been delegated to the head of administration.


The university wants all adverse events and matters that have resulted or may result in harm to people, the environment or material values to be reported as HSE non-conformities.

Image of the red "Register breach" button from UiBhjelp
By reporting HSE non-conformities, we can follow up any personal injuries or any undesired events and implement new measures to prevent similar events from happening again. HSE non-conformities should be reported through Uibhjelp.

More information regarding what should be considered as HSE non-conformities and what should not be reported is explained in the HSE-gateway.


It is forbidden to eat and drink in the BIO laboratories. In addition, smoking is prohibited in all BIO premises. General hygiene, including hand washing after using the toilet, good hand and cough hygiene, covering of cuts and wounds is recommended. In the event of suspected infectious diseases, the nearest manager must be informed and the necessary measures initiated on the advice from the Occupational Health Services (BHT).

All employees and students who work in laboratories are obliged to carry out their work in a safe manner in line with the recommendations given in the HSE safety pass, including the safe handling of chemicals, working with GMOs and choosing the right protective equipment.


Upon arrival, visitors must be given instructions on where to meet in the event of an evacuation of the building and necessary contact information. Guests who will stay for a longer period at BIO's premises must be introduced to fire protection on the floor the person is working on. For more information read FIRE SAFETY HANDBOOK FOR DEPARTMENT OF BIOLOGICAL SCIENCES | Department of Biological Sciences (BIO) | UiB. Guests who will be working in laboratories must also complete the HSE safety pass before gaining access to BIO's laboratories.

Employees who are expecting guests should be familiar with the current routines for receiving guests at BIO

  • Fill out the guest form Planlegging av gjesteopphold (uib.no), if the guest stays for more than one week.
  • Introduce the guest to the lab responsible person for introduction to HSE  safety-pass and to the fire safety plan.


Bullying and harassment

UiB and BIO have zero tolerance for bullying and sexual harassment in the workplace between employees and between employees and students.

Students should report unwanted incidents through their own whistleblowing channel. For more information regarding guidelines on conflicts, bullying, harassment and sexual harassment involving students at UiB, click here.

Employees can find information on how to report unwanted incidents through sikresiden.no and the HSE-gateway. UiB’s guidelines for

Bullying and harassment should not be reported as HSE non-conformities but should be handled in accordance with the current guidelines for whistleblowing. An electronic notification form can be used when reporting unwanted incident. It can otherwise be notified via safety representative, employee representative, colleague, lawyer or similar to a notification recipient.

Sikresiden.no provides information about preventing difficult situations and what to do in a crisis.


Conflict mangagement

Conflict management at BIO flows UiB’s guidelines for conflict management. The guideline does not specify a time frame for solving a conflict between two or more employees.

BIO has established a timetable that applies internally at the department. The specified time frame may vary depending on the severity of the conflict and the extent to which the Occupational Health Service assist in the process.

Table showing the timeline of tasks to be performed at different stages of a conflict management process, who's responsible and a list of resource persons where relevant.

Employees who find themselves part of a conflict that they are unable to handle on their own must report it to their immediate manager with personnel responsibility (head of administration) or the head of the department.

Notification can also be made via safety delegate or employee representative

When safety representative has notified the manager of an ongoing conflict, the manager takes over the further handling of the case. Furthermore, the safety delegate must be kept informed of the progress in the case.