Department of Biological Sciences (BIO)

Master theses submitted in 2000

Main content

07.01.2000 Knut Teigen Martinez/Frøystein H.B. Jensen: Binding of substrate and pterin cofactor analogue to human phenylalanine hydroxylase studies by NMR specroscopy and molecular modeling

08.03.2000 Laila J. Reigstad J.Lillehaug H.B. Jensen: Cloning,characerization and structure prediction of the overexpressed K1AA 0469 gene in human thyroid papillary carcinomas

09.03.2000 Beate Fast K.Edvardsen R.Male: Reulation of the level of Cathepsin B in the human glioma cells, and the possible effect of Cathepsin B on the invasion of human glioma

29.03.2000 Eva M. Moen L. Haarr R.Aasland: Cloning of herpes simplex virus type 2 glycoprotein B-encoding sequence and production of pseudoretrovial particles

31.05.2000 Live J. Bruseth H. B. Jensen R.Aasland: Identification of trimeric interface of the porin FromA by cystein substitution and thiol-crosslinking

31.05.2000 Hanne Ravneberg R. Male A. Goksøyr :Cloning and caracterization of the Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) estrogen receptor gene promotor

09.06.2000 Lise Holden A.M. Szilvay B.I. Haukanes: A study of nuclear import of retroviral regulatiory proteins using mononucleal antibodies and high efficiency eucaryotic vetors

14.06.2000 Gunn A. Hildrestrand R. Male R. Aasland: Atlantic samon (Salmo salar) estrogen receptor beta: Cloning and characterization of a patial cDNA

14.06.2000 Eva Mykkelstveit L. Haaheim A. J. Raae: The immune response in mice after vaccination with influenza NP DNA vaccine and vital challenge

16.06.2000 Endre Kjærland J.R. Lillehaug H. B. Jensen: Expression of recombinant Ki-Ras and RACK 1 in Escherichia coli In virto interaction studies

20.06.2000 Anette Susanne Bøe E. Huseye A.M.Silvay: Aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase; epitope mapping and functional studies

20.06.2000 Johan Fernø D.E. Helland A.M.Silvay :Creating stable cell-line expressing the HIV-1 Tat-exon and full-length Tat protein

21.06.2000 Elin A. Danielsen V. Steen R. Aasland: Kloning og ekspresjon av SER-9 og GLY-9-variantene av den humane dopamin-D3-receptoren

21.06.2000 Jegatheswaran Thevarajan R. Aasland J.R. Lillehaug: The SET-dopamin and PHD-fingerse of the murine MLL protein: Expression in E.coli Purification and Characterization

23.06.2000 Kristin Arnkværn H. Holmsen A, J. Raae: Responses of human blood platelets to extremely low electromagnetic fields

23.06.2000 Marta Vorland H. Holmsen J.R. Lillehaug: TPA-, PDGF- and GTP S-induced PLD activity in C3H/10T1/2 cells reqiores binding between cPKC-RACK 1

28.06.2000 Csaba Mangyan D.E. Helland: Variation of proviral tat-gene sequences in Medi Virus infected

28.06.2000 Morten Prante A.M. Szilvay: Production of monoclonal antibodies for localization of the HTLV-1 Rex protein in expressing cells

30.06.2000 Anne Mette Søviknes Edvardsen J.R. Lillehaug: Sub-cellular localization of neuronatin in nauroblastoma cell line

30.06.2000 Sigve Ladstein H.B. Jensen: A. Svardal Characterization of a 50 kDa protein exported to the growth medium from Methylococcus capsulatus (Bath)

18.08.2000 Elin Sletbakk A.M. Szilvay B.I. Haukanes: The human T-Cell Leukemia Virus Type I (HTLV-I) Rex Proteins:p27 and p21

17.08.2000 Trude Ekern J. Haavik A.M. Szilvay :Expression, purification and immunological characterization of human tryptophan hydroxylase

17.08.2000 Nina Simonsen T. Flatmark R. Aasland: Aggregation/polymerization of wild-type and two desease-related mutant forms (G46S and H170R) of human phenylalanine hydroxylase as studies by light scattering electron microscopy Nucleation-controled formation of G46S fibers

20.09.2000 Morten Ruud H.B.Jensen A. J. Raae: Purification of the outer membrane protein FomA from Fusobacterium nucleatum

21.09.2000 Lars Austbø A. Fjose: Analysis of Six3 and Pax6 DNA-binding sites in the 5`region of the zebrafish si3 gene

30.10.2000 Ann Kristin Frøyset H. Holmsen A.M. Szilvay: Lagring av humane blodplater i media med glutamat & autokrin virkning av sekretert PDGF på aktivering av P13-kinase i blodplater

30.10.2000 Jeffrey Alan McKinney A. Martinez R. Aasland: Combined NMR and molecular modeling investigation of the structure of the complex of human tryptophan hydroxylase with substrate and cofactor analogue

31.10.2000 Åse Marit Harviken J. R. Lillehaug H. B. Jensen: Identification of a Novel Gene Upregulated in Papillary Thyroid Carcinomas

07.12.2000 Hege Holsvik L. Olsen B. Walther: Isolation, Characterization and promoter analyses of the zebrafish cholesterol 7 alfa-hydrosylase gene

13.12.2000 Karianne Fjeld R. Aasland: The effect of beta1-integins on the phenotype of human gliomas

20.12.2000 Line Wergeland D. E. Helland B.I. Haukanes:; Application of in virtotranscribed and translated HIV-1 reverse transcriptase in protein interaction studies

20.12.2000 Joe Aseerwatham I. Hordvik R. Male: Cloning and characterizaion of a leucocyte specific Src family tyrosine kinase cDNA from Atlantic salmon