CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium April 4th
We have the pleasure of inviting you to attend the upcoming CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium, April 4th 2019.

Main content
As always, we have a broad ranging program for you! Professor Charalampos (Haris) Tzoulis will give an inspirational keynote lecture where he will share some milestones on his way to establish his own research group. Furthermore, he will present ongoing research in the Neuromics Lab. In addition, local PhD students and postdocs will present their work on topics including biomarkers in colon cancer (Hestetun, Aasebø), transcriptomic characterization of kidney cancer (Nakken), targeting sphingolipid pathway in breast cancer (Panahandeh) and regeneration of beta-cells in diabetes (Vethe).
Registration: Please sign up for the symposium including free lunch:
This is an excellent forum for discussing research, learning about how different or similar many ongoing projects can be to your own, and to network with fellow PhD students, postdocs and other colleagues in our research community.
The symposium is open for all and free of charge – including lunch – just remember to register!
Kenneth Finne and Liv Cecilie Vestrheim Thomsen are coordinators of this CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium, and can be contacted if you have any questions.
Time: Thursday April 4th 2019 at 10.00-14.00.
Where: Conference room 109F, BB-building (opposite the auditoria)
1000 - 1005: Organizers: Welcome and information about CCBIO901
1005 - 1050: Charalampos "Haris" Tzoulis : Inspirational lecture
1050 - 1105: Coffee / tea break
1105 - 1125: Pouda Panahandeh: Targeting sphingolipid pathway in breast cancer
1125 - 1145: Sigrid Nakken: Transcriptomic characterization of renal cell carcinoma patients with progressive disease despite low initial risk of progression.
1145 - 1205: Heidrun Vethe: Regeneration of beta-cells for diabetes cell therapy
1205 - 1240: Lunch (included if you have registered)
1240 - 1300: Kjersti Hestetun: Is CDX2 an important biomarker in non-metastatic colorectal cancer?
1300 - 1320: Kristine Aasebø: Is CDX2 an important biomarker in metastatic colorectal cancer