Centre for Cancer Biomarkers CCBIO
JUSS – CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium

--CANCELLED-- CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium April 16th

Welcome to the second CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium in the spring term 2020!

Main content


Postdocs Kenneth Finne and Cornelia Schuster are chairs. 

When: 10.00-14.00

Where: to be announced

There is no charge. Lunch is included.


The CCBIO Junior Scientist Symposium represents an integrated part of the CCBIO Research School for Cancer Studies. This is a seminar series that aims to improve scientific interaction and networking among junior researchers.

Postdocs Kenneth Finne and Cornelia Schuster are coordinators of the junior seminars in 2019-20, are planning and chairing these meetings. 

The symposia are held four times annually, and the first seminar took place on June 11th 2014. 

This symposium is an arena where PhD candidates and postdocs gain experience with oral presentations and academic discussions. The meetings have proved to be an excellent place for young researchers to get input for potential collaborations in ongoing and future projects.

The program has covered a broad range of topics, from basic studies to clinical research. Further, trial lectures have been presented, and invited speakers from research groups outside of CCBIO have also presented their projects. Each symposium has a format where 3-5 PhD candidates and postdocs present their research, followed by short discussions.