Centre for Cancer Biomarkers CCBIO

News archive for Centre for Cancer Biomarkers CCBIO

Acute myeloid leukemia is an aggressive blood cancer with poor survival. Younger and otherwise healthy patients undergo severe chemotherapy, often accompanied by stem cell transplant, even though it is difficult to predict who will benefit from the treatment. Now, a simple blood test can measure whether the patient's cancer will respond to chemotherapy. If the chemo has no effect, critical weeks... Read more
The Norwegian Cancer Society has a new funding program, the Norwegian Cancer Society Pioneer Projects, which supports early-stage exploration of novel and innovative ideas with potential for breaking new grounds in cancer research. CCBIO Associate Investigator Carina Strell just got the news that she is awarded with funding from this program for her project "ImSignal – Mapping active immune... Read more
Professor Arne Östman in CCBIO's International Faculty receives financial support from the Western Norway regional health authorities Helse Vest in their 2023 allocation. His project "Novel biomarkers and combination treatments for ER+ breast cancer" receives NOK 1.500.000 in the first year.
November 26, the regional health authorities Helse Vest announced their funding for 2023, allocating 182 million NOK to 57 new projects, and renewed support to 160 fellows and projects. Among the new projects, CCBIO PI Oddbjørn Straume receives open project support for his project "Targeting AXL to improve immunotherapy: Deep clinical biomarker analysis for precision medicine." The funding... Read more
CCBIO hosted the 6th SCANPATH meeting – Scandinavian Seminar on Translational Pathology – on November 14 and 15 at Solstrand Hotel, close to Bergen (Norway). Top Scandinavian tumor pathologist and pre-clinical scientists came to present and discuss tissue-based studies of tumor mechanisms and biomarker mapping. SCANPATH is a well-established annual forum and has been a successful CCBIO initiative... Read more
Christiane Helgestad Gjerde, PhD candidate in the Bjørge and McCormack groups at CCBIO and the Department of Clinical Science, was awarded with the Kolbjørn Brambani Cancer Research Grant 2022 at the Onkologisk Forum meeting November 17.
The course CCBIO905 – Methods in Cancer Biomarker Research was arranged for the fourth time September 27-29, 2022. This was the second time as a fully digital event. From the confusion of the first pandemic months, CCBIO is now highly experienced in organizing digital events, and hybrid events, for that matter. One thing is however clear – it takes a village to run a good online course!
A collaboration project on vulvar cancer between the Bjørge, Costea and Mustafa groups are using a 3D bioprinter to print tiny vulvar cancer tumors with live support tissue, for more realistic testing of which therapy will give the best response.
The McCormack group at CCBIO and the Department of Clinical Science is now launching the EU collaboration project CoDaFlight (Colouring the Dark in Fluorescence light), financed by the EU Pathfinder program. This project has the promise to develop the next generation of medical fluorescence imaging.
The results are out and BCEPS is one of two centres at the University of Bergen to receive Centre of Excellence (SFF) status from the Research Council of Norway.
Flowers and smiles were in abundance when CCBIO, the Department of Clinical Medicine, the Medial Faculty and the Trond Mohn Foundation welcomed Carina Strell to the University of Bergen in a CCBIO Startup Seminar August 25.
Friday June 10th, CCBIO and the Holberg Prize hosted a Special Seminar with the 2022 Holberg Laureate, Sheila Jasanoff (Harvard University) in conversation with Stephen Hilgartner (Cornell University). The seminar was called “Can science make sense of life?”, referring to Jasanoff’s recent and eponymous book. This was the first time the Faculty of Medicine had the opportunity to welcome a Holberg... Read more
The 10th CCBIO Annual Symposium took place at Solstrand Hotel May 10 and 11, 2022, finally as an onsite event, attracting about 200 onsite and 60 online, as the symposium was offered as a hybrid solution.
Researcher and co-founder of the biotech-company Moderna, Robert S. Langer, has met a lot of skepticism and rejection in his career. He explains the road to success with being stubborn, having courage to think big and to have good role-models.
This question is central to the research of the 2022 Holberg Prize winner, Sheila Jasanoff, who has a long-standing collaboration with University of Bergen researchers.
The PhD level course on Health Innovation, CCBIONEUR912, was kicked off November 8-9, 2021, at the facilities of the new medical incubator EITRI. CCBIONEUR912 is joining the course SDG900 as the second innovation course offering at UiB on the PhD level. It is the first PhD course on health innovation and thus an invaluable offering for medical researchers at the beginning of their research... Read more
The Trond Mohn Foundation has now announced that Carina Strell will be one of three candidates at the University of Bergen (UiB) to be awarded with a TMS starting grant, for her project Understanding Early Breast Cancer Evolution in Space and Time (EvoMaps). Strell has a long-term collaboration with the Lars A. Akslen group at CCBIO, and her project will be embedded at CCBIO.
November 9, Professor Robert S. Langer, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, presented the Falch Lecture entitled "Creating and implementing breakthrough technologies in biotechnology and nanotechnology". Through a live streaming from MIT, the around 200 people in Store Auditorium enjoyed a truly inspirational talk, motivating them to pursue their ideas and keep asking the fundamental questions.
