HSE Manual for the Department of Clinical Science
The purpose of systematic HSE work is to ensure an adequate level of quality in activities that involve health, safety and the environment.

Main content
General information
Aim and scope
The overall objective of the systematic Health, Environment and Safety (HSE) work at Department of Clinical Science is to facilitate: (i) a good and safe work environment by preventing accidents, environmental and health injuries; (ii) quality in work and research; and iii) better results. This is done through the proper physical conditions, high competence and an including working environment.
The purpose of systematic HSE work is to ensure an adequate level of quality in activities that involve health, safety and the environment. In order to comply with applicable laws, regulations and own guidelines and decisions, it is necessary to have systems and a work culture that facilitates improvement. Improvement is done by detecting and correcting deviations. The health and safety of patients, volunteers and guests must also be safeguarded.
Objective of health, safety and environment
The main objectives of the action plan at the University of Bergen are:
• Good working community
• Good risk management and emergency response
• Safe and functional workplaces
• Responsibility for the external environment
Usage and distribution
The HSE Manual shall be distributed and known to all persons at the Department of Clinical Science. The manual applies to students, guests and substitutes, in addition to the temporary and permanent employees.
K2-news contains a lot of useful information about HSE, and all employees are required to read this newsletter.
The HSE Handbook, HSE Instructions and K2 New are available on K2's website. The K2-news will also be sent out on e-mail every Friday.
Updating the HSE Manual
The HSE coordinator is responsible for keeping the HSE Handbook, including its procedures, updated. The manual will be revised annually. Single operating procedures and other documents are updated as needed. All employees are responsible for reporting errors and lack of information, as well as suggesting improvements.
Background documents.
The manual lists UiB's internal rules and instructions, which are documented at the HSE Safety Portal:
The Internal Control Regulations provide requirements for businesses regarding systematic health, environment and safety work. Here you will find information about current legislation, and internal regulations at UiB.
Section 5 sets the following requirements:
Internal control means that the business must: | Required documentation | Type of documentation |
- Ensure that the laws and regulations in the health, environmental and safety laws that apply to the business are available, and provide an overview of the requirements that are of particular importance to the business |
- ensure that employees have sufficient knowledge and skills in systematic health, environmental and safety work, including information about changes in the regulations |
- ensure employee contribution in order to ensure overall knowledge and experience are utilized |
- decide goals for health, safety and the environment | Written | HSE Manual |
- provide an overview of the organization's structure, including how responsibilities, duties and authority for the work on health, safety and the environment are divided | Written | HSE Manual |
- identify hazards and problems and, on this basis, assess risk, and prepare related plans and measures to reduce risk | Written | Safety inspections, risk analysis and action plans |
- implement procedures to detect, correct and prevent violations of requirements in health, environmental and safety legislation | Written | Procedure manual for HSE |
- conduct systematic monitoring and review of internal control to ensure that it works as provided | Written | Safety inspections and revision of HSE Manual, and pocedure manual for HSE |
The current requirements in the following laws and regulations are subject to systematic follow-up:
Laws and regulations
The Norwegian laws and regulations are in Norwegian. A collection of Norwegian regulations in English are available at the following link. Please note that the translations are not official; they are provided for information purposes only. In the event of any inconsistency, the Norwegian version shall prevail.
Internal Control Regulations | |
The Gene Technology Act | |
Internal guidelines at UiB
Internal guidelines at UiB
The training should be related to the employee's role in the organization or type of task to be performed. The list is indicative. Some courses are available as an e-learning course. A list of these courses can be found here:
Position | Requirements for training / competence |
Head of department | HSE for leaders |
Head of administration | HSE for leaders |
Research group leader |
Safety representative | 40 hours course in HSE |
HSE coordinator |
Radiation Contact | Radiation Course |
All employees | Fire Training |
Newly employed at the laboratory | Introductory course in laboratory work |
Field of work | Requirements for training / competence |
Laboratory work
| Basic laboratory work and Individual plan |
Animal experiments | Felasa-C and practical training |
Retro-/lentivirus (GMO-work) | Local training |
Ionizing radiation | Radiation Course |
Systematic HSE work: Safety inspection and risk assessment
UiB shall annually and at every level:
- Conduct HSE mapping, such as HSE meeting and safety rounds, risk assessments, take action and assess whether measures have achieved the desired effect.
- Develop and revise HSE goals and action plan.
- Review the elements of the systematic HSE work and report in the line (internal control).
More information on systematic HSE work at UiB can be found in the HSE portal on UiB's web pages:
Deviation system
UiB has its own deviation system, which is to be used where applicable.
HSE Deviation (person and system) must be reported via the HSE portal.
Material damage and building conditions must be reported via Lydia:
For more information about Lydia, please see this webpage:
Please note that messages via Lydia only applies to the UiB buildings. Lydia can currently not used for damage to premises that UiB leases by Helse Bergen. This applies to Laboratory Building, BUS, Central Block and KK. Deviations on these buildings are reported directly to Helse Bergen:
77100@helse-bergen.no with a copy to the property department at UiB post@eia.UiB.no.
Version - date | Changes from previous version |
2018 | New structure. Digital version. |
2024 | New names and addresses. |