Digital Lab

Seminar series

Welcome to our seminar series - open for all!

Main content

The lab has a few regular seminar series connected to the Digital Humanities Network. These are open for all and aim towards interdisciplinary cooperation across disciplines and faculties.

From source to data 

This series opens for discussions and presentations concerning questions on how and what happens when traditional sources in humanities become data, which new questions are revealed when this data meet new tools and methods?

Lightning talks

Here the format is short and quick presentations in the style of pecha kucha, while the topics are broad and challenging. We strongly urge young scholars to participate and present their research. 

Works and Projects in Progress

In this series we open the floor to students, research candidates, researchers, and research groups to present and discuss works and projects in progress.

Teaching in and with Digital Tools and Methodologies 

How do we apply new and/or old digital tools and methodologies in our teaching of humanities? What is revealed both within and across disciplines when new tools are introduced, which pedagogical challenges and opportunities do we meet when interdisciplinary approach to DH becomes part of our teaching and assessment?