Department of Economics

News archive for Department of Economics

The Norwegian Association for Economists awarded John Sæten Lilletvedt Best paper presented by a PhD student.
On December 5, Ranveig Falch joined the department of economics as an associate professor (tenure track). Ranveig received her PhD from the Norwegian School of Economics (NHH) and did a post-doc at FAIR NHH. Her primary field of research is empirical behavioral economics, where she focuses on issues such as gender discrimination, human capital investment, and inequality acceptance. Her interests... Read more
Exciting academic position at Department of Economics
Finally, we can arrange in-person PhD courses again! This week we are hosting a PhD course in “Topics in the Industrial Organization of Education Markets”.
Stipendiat Ingrid Ovidia er nylig valgt inn som medlem fra gruppe B (midlertidig vitenskapelig ansatte) med virkning fra 1.8.2022 - 31.7.2023.
The Department of Economics, University of Bergen, has a vacancy for a PhD research scholar position in economics. The position is open for any field of economics or finance and is for a period of 4 years, of which 25% will be dedicated to teaching, supervision, and administrative tasks at the Department.
NHH together with UoB, are arranging the 48th EARIE Conference 27 - 28 August - Please join us.
Godt oppmøte på instituttets fagdag for nye samfunnsøkonomi-studenter! På fagdagen fikk studentene nærmere innsikt om: Dagens jobbmuligheter for nyutdannede samfunnsøkonomer, Fagutvalgets rolle, og hvordan de fungerte som bindeledd mellom studenter og Institutt. Samfunnsøkonomene presenterte sin rolle som interesse- og arbeidstakerorganisasjon for samfunnsøkonomer. Studentene fikk deretter tre... Read more
We welcome four, new employees to our Department: John Sæten Lilletvedt (PhD Candidate), Hedda Rytter Tveiten (PhD Candidate), Ingvild Hagen Lindalen (Seminar Coordinator) and Marc Goni (Associate Professor).All four started in August.
The first joint article from the Pandemic Centre as a unit has now been published in Scandinavian Journal of Public Health.
The Christie Conference is one of Norway's most important meeting places for academia, business, culture and society. UiB invites decision makers and key people from business, cultural life, public sector, NGO's and the media. This year associate professor Eeva Mauring, assistant professor Nina Serdarevic and head of Department Tommy S. Gabrielsen participated with engaging lectures.
Over the past decade, China has emerged as a large actor on the African continent – primarily through trade, investment and as provider of development finance. But China is increasingly also playing a more direct political role.
The Centre for Economic Policy Research (CEPR) is a network of economists who collaborate through the Centre on a wide range of policy-related research projects and dissemination activities.
The Scandinavian countries offer the world’s most generous parental leave benefits. These policies aim both at helping mothers in the labor market, and at promoting infant well-being. But does it work?
