WATCH: Green propulsion - Lessons learned from Viking shipping
Did you miss Peter Koch's presentation on green propulsion in shipping? Watch it here!

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Peter Koch is an associate professor at the department of mechanical and marine engineering at HVL and course coordinator for the master programme (Sivilingeniør) in sustainable energy technology.
Peter worked in the maritime industry for 8 years before joining HVL in a full position in 2018. He has a German engineering doctorate in laser-optical measurement techniques for in-engine processes from FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg and has worked with thermal machines, process analysis and technologies for almost 20 years.
‘’I came across an article in the Norwegian magazine Teknisk Ukeblad in 2018. The headline translates as follows: The world’s most important ship is about to retire – it has been a ‘‘guinea pig’’ for the development of LNG, fuel cells and batteries.
The article summarized 15 years of research and technology demonstration in the projects Fellowship I, II and III done on the platform supply vessel Viking Lady. I recently pulled this article up in preparation for a new master level course on maritime propulsion systems with focus on alternative or green technologies. It’s quite astonishing to see what [technologies] has come in, went out and come back in again, and all of them in one way or another still, or soon to be, relevant.
This presentation takes a look at different propulsion technologies, vessel types and operation profiles for both ‘’local’’ Norwegian vessels and the broader shipping market. The focus will be on the technical side and the challenges resulting from the choice of technology but will not have a conclusion in the classical sense.’’