Bergen Energy Lab (BEL)

WATCH: Legal rules for hydrogen - how, when, where?

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BEL Lunsj Legal rules for hydrogen – how, when, where 20240220 121457 Meeting Recording


Main content

Hydrogen as an energy carrier for the future is just off the starting blocks. The future promises a challenging orienteering race in which one must find all the “control points”, meaning knowledge of many kinds, necessary to enable a well-functioning hydrogen market. Some of these control points belong to the legal science. This presentation will address what control points we need to look for, and how they should be combined.”


About the presenter

Torhild Nordtveit has a varied background from both public administration and private consultancy. She holds a phd in private law and is now a postdoctoral researcher at the HyValue project, combining private and public law with the development of the hydrogen market.