Centre for Geobiology

Master’s Programme in Biology – Geobiology

Programme information and potential Masters projects in Biology-Geobiology

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About the programme:

The master’s programme in Biology – Geobiology provides students with both an overview and a deeper understanding of the basic questions in geobiology, which deal with the complex interactions between the geo- and biospheres.

The answers to these questions have fundamental implications for such basic themes as the origin of life, the limits to life and how living organisms adapt to extreme environments as well as themes that are highly socially relevant such as sustainable development of natural resources, biotechnology, bio-prospecting etc. The programme will provide students with both an overview and hands-on experiences with biological research methods and protocols on research cruises, in the field and in the laboratory.

Traditional methods for culturing and characterizing organisms will be presented as well as molecular-biological and bioinformatical techniques, these latter being an important tool for learning about biodiversity and the functionality of organisms in different habitats.

As they complete their independent master’s thesis, students will learn how to plan and carry out an experimental project, interpret and discuss results, set results in a scientific context relating to relevant theories and hypotheses.


Deadline for applying: 15 April / 1 November (Applicants financing their own studies: application period 11 October - 1 December) Official information about registering for a master's programme can be found here (in Norwegian) (in English).