Media Coverage of the 2013 Summer Research Cruise

Underwater map using multibeam sonar of flat-top volcanoes on the Kolbeinsey Ridge
Alden Denny
Main content
The Norwegian Minister of the Environment, Bård Vegard Solhjell, met with Centre Director, in August 2013. The unique discoveries made on the summer 2013 CGB cruise may lead to the establishment of Norway’s first marine national park.
Read below for souces covering this story.
In English:
- UiB News: A waterworld of volcanoes
- UiB News: The Origin of Life
- KTWOP wordpress blog: Undersea volcanic activity creating new island chain at Norway’s Loki’s Castle
In Norwegian:
- UiB’s Aktuelt: Kan bli Norges nye nasjonalpark
- På høyden: Fann norsk Atlantis
- BT: Har funnet Norges Yellowstone på havbunnen
- Dagbladet: Fant flere hundre vulkaner i havet utenfor Norge
- Nyt 'Atlantis' kan blive Norges nationalpark
- Nordlys: Flere hundre vulkaner funnet utenfor Norge
- Aftenposten: Har funnet unikt vulkanområde med metaller verdt milliarder