Department of Geography

UiBgeography alumni map

Do you have a degree in geography from University of Bergen? Join our alumni map!

Institutt for geografi

Main content

We are building up a spatial overview of our alumni to get a better understanding of what our graduates are doing, and where they are living. To participate you can upload a photo, tell us what you are doing now and when you finished your studies with us.

How to participate

  • Go to UiBgeografi alumnuskart and click on “Delta/Participate”
  • Log in to ArcGIS or continue as a guest
  • Upload a photograph, fill in your name and location.
  • Under “Beskrivelse” enter what you are working with now, when you finished your studies in Bergen, and how geography helps you in your daily profession
  • Click «Godta vilkårene og send inn»

Spread the word!

Please forward our map to your friends from your studies so that we can build up an overview of what our students go on to do!
