Department of Geography

Peter Andersen as supervisor

Peter Andersen is supervising projects in sustainable development: agriculture, land use and food systems, climate, transport and energy.

Jordbruk i Nepal.
Peter Andersen
Peter Andersen

Main content

Scientific interests

My research is dealing with sustainable agriculture and the environment, with special themes in human nutrition, micronutrients and underutilized crops. I have worked with different themes in Africa and Asia, especially Zimbabwe, Ghana, Nepal and India, but also in Norwegian/Nordic contexts.

My theoretical interests are linked to political ecology and critical perspectives on development and environment. Methodologically I favour a range of mixed methods. I have listed some suggested themes below; feel free to contact me if you have ideas of your own that could match.

Suggested themes for master projects

  • Climate adaptation and mitigation in agriculture. Soil carbon storage; peatland conservation. Climate smart agriculture. Norway, Europe, global south (Nepal, Ghana).
  • Biking in Bergen: Bicycle strategy: for whom? Bicycle prioritized streets, commuter bike paths, tunnels. What does it take for adolescents to keep on biking? (Cooperation with section for urban environment).
  • Urban cultivation (in cooperation with Bybonden, Bergen): mapping of and for urban cultivation. Periurban farmers: potential for allotment gardens? Allotment gardens as social arena.
  • Area planning and biodiversity/pollination (co-supervision at NIBIO).
  • Nature based solutions: Blue-green structures in area planning. Flood protection. Peatlands, afforestation, rewilding. Win-win, greenwasking, challenges?