Master's theses in geography 2022
This year we have two submission deadlines in the spring semester for the master's thesis in geography (6 May and 1 August.), and one in the autumn semester (15 November).
Main content
As part of the oral exam, the students will ppresent their theses. The presentations are open to all interested, eighter in room 744 in the Department of Geography or in Zoom. It will be possible to follow the presentation on Zoom. Let us know if you want to receive invitation to presentations.
Submitted 15 November
1 student submitted the thesis within the deadline 15 November.
6 December
Arne Mølstre Pettersen
Automatisering av jordbruket
En casestudie av teknologi-implementering med eksempler fra jordbruket på Vestlandet
Presentation: 13.00-13.30 (Department of Geography, room 744)
Oral exam: 13.30-14.30
Examination Committee: Bjørnar Sæther (UiO) og Knut Hidle (UiB)
Supervisor: Grete Rusten
Submitted 1 August
9 students submitted witin this deadline. Here you will find the schedule for the presentations:
22 August
Safa Mustafa Khiralla Mudoi
Mapping of the Prosopis-Juliflora (Mesquite) invasion and its effects on pastoralist livelihoods in the Red Sea State, Sudan – a remote sensing approach
Presentation: 09.00-09.30 (Department of Geography, room 713)
Oral exam: 09.30-10.30
Examination Committee: Martin Miles (Norce) and Ole Reidar Vetaas (UiB)
Supervisor: Gidske Læknes Andersen
23 August
Cecilie Veum
Finding the balance between use and conservation of nature
A study about the management of nature as a contested resource
Presentation: 13.00-13.30 (room 713, Department of Geography and Zoom)
Oral exam: 13.30-14.30
Examination Committee: Knut Bjørn Stokke (NMBU) and Connor J. Cavanagh (UiB)
Supervisor: Ole Reidar Vetaas
24 August
Veera Ylipieti
Sustainability reporting as a matter of social contract: management and geographical perspective
Presentation: 10.00-10.30 (Zoom)
Oral exam: 10.30-11.30
Examination Committee: Helge Lea Tvedt (Stavanger kommune) and Knut Hidle (UiB)
Supervisor: Grete Rusten
Håkon André Halvorsen
Senglasial- og holocen strandforskyvning for østlige deler av Hinnøya
Presentation: 13.00-13.30 (Zoom)
Oral exam: 13.30-14.30
Examination Committee: Thomas Lakeman (NGU) and Svein Olaf Dahl (UiB)
Supervisor: Kristian Vasskog
25 August
Tom Hackelberg
Flood frequency reconstruction of Myrkdalselvi in the upper area of the Vosso drainage basin, western Norway. An investigation of lacustrine sediment cores from Myrkdalsvatnet to map the local flood history.
Presentation: 10.00-10.30 (room 713, Department of Geography)
Oral exam: 10.30-11.30 (room 713, Department of Geography)
Examination Committee: Anne-Grete Bøe (Equinor) and Svein Olaf Dahl (UiB)
Supervisor: Rannveig Øvrevik Skoglund
George Edward Young
A Geoecological History of Høgtuvbreen
Vegetation succession on the foreland of a retreating glacier in northern Norway
Presentation: 11.00-11.30 (Zoom)
Oral exam: 11.30-12.30
Examination Committee: Mikael Ohlson (NMBU) and Kristian Vasskog (UiB)
Supervisor: Svein Olaf Dahl
Mathias Holtedahl Torp
Glacier and moraine changes, glacio-hydrological dynamicsand glacier-permafrost interactions at Nautgardsbrean, northeastern Jotunheimen. A study of two polythermal glaciers and ice-cored moraine complexesbased on high-resolution remote sensing and field-based methods.
Presentation: 14.00-14.30 (room 713, Department of Geography and Zoom)
Oral exam: 14.30-15.30
Examination Committee: Daniel Hölbling (Uni of Salzburg) and Rannveig Øvrevik Skoglund (UiB)
Supervisor: Svein Olaf Dahl
26 August
Bidias Ndemaze Chiankem
Impacts and Adaptation of Small-scale Potatoes Farmers to Climate Change in the Western Highlands of Cameroon.
A case study of the impacts and adaptation of small-scale potato farmers to climate change in the Western Highlands of Cameroon
Presentation: 10.00-10.30 (Zoom)
Oral exam: 10.30-11.30
Examination Committee: Håkon Lein (NTNU) and Ragnhild Overå (UiB)
Supervisor: Peter Andersen
29 August
Sigrid Johanne Sjøholm Vetti
Rekonstruksjon av bre- og klimahistorien ved Glombreenbasert på kvartærgeologisk kartlegging og innsjøsedimenter i Selstaddalen, Meløy i Nordland
Presentation: 10.00-10.30 (Zoom)
Oral exam: 10.30-11.30
Examination Committee: Sigurd Sandvold (HVL) and Kristian Vasskog (UiB)
Supervisor: Svein Olaf Dahl
Submitted 16 May
11 students submitted witin this deadline. Here you will find the schedule for the presentations:
25 May
Maurin Rousseau
Late Glacial and Holocene relative sea-level changes in Værlandet, western Norway
Presentation: 12.30-13.00 (room 744, Department of Geography)
Oral exam: 13.00-14.00 (room 713, Department of Geography)
Examination Committee: Anders Romundset (NGU) and Pål Rinkjøb Nielsen (UiB)
Supervisor: Kristian Vasskog
1 June
Peter Krohn-Hansen
En studie av uformell bosetting og økonomisk liv i Ruga
Presentation: 09.30-10.00 (room 744, Department of Geography + Zoom)
Oral exam: 01.00-11:00 (zoom)
Examination Committee: Ståle Angen Rye (NTNU) and Knut Hidle (UiB)
Supervisor: Ragnhild Overå
Adwoa Aninwaa Agyarko
Presentation: 14.30-15.00 (zoom)
Oral exam: 15.00-16.00 (zoom)
Examination Committee: Ragnhild Lund (NTNU) and Odd Inge Steen (UiB)
Supervisor: Ragnhild Overå
2 June
Andreas Sivertsen Våge
Tare - en ny industrimulighet for norsk næringsliv?en studie av tarenæringen i Norge
Presentation: 11.00-11.30 (room 744 + zoom)
Oral exam: 11.30-12.30 (zoom)
Examination Committee: Helge Lea Tvedt and Knut Hidle (UiB)
Supervisor: Grete Rusten
7 June
Jarle Sleire
Presentation: 09.00-09.30 (room 744, Department of Geography)
Oral exam: 09.30-10.30 (room 713, Department of Geography)
Examination Committee: Sigurd Sandvold (HVL) and Kristian Vasskog (UiB)
Supervisor: Svein Olaf Dahl
Sofie Jordheim
Rise and fall of an ice-cored moraineA case study from Semskfjellet, Saltfjellet, northern Norway - investigating the role of hydrological processes in the decay of an ice-cored moraine
Presentation: 11.30-12.00 (room 744, Department of Geography)
Oral exam: 12.00-13.00 (room 713, Department of Geography)
Examination Committee: Sigurd Sandvold (HVL) and Rannveig Øvrevik Skoglund (UiB)
Supervisor: Svein Olaf Dahl
Ørjan Dybvik
Flomfrekvensanalyse i øvre del av Vossovassdraget, Oppheimsvatnet
Bruk av innsjøsedimenter til å rekonstruere flomhistorien
Presentation: 14.00-14.30 (room 744, Department of Geography)
Oral exam: 14.30-15.30 (room 713, Department of Geography)
Examination Committee: Anne Grete Bøe and Svein Olaf Dahl (UiB)
Supervisor: Rannveig Øvrevik Skoglund
9 June
Ronya Solberg
Bærekraftig fiskeri, governance og tid- en undersøkelse av lokalsamfunnsperspektiver på hva en fremtidig fiskeriregulering kan innebære
Presentation: 14.00-14.30
Oral exam: 14.30-15.30 (zoom)
Examination Committee: Ingrid Marie Kielland (UiT) and Grete Rusten (UiB)
Supervisor: Knut Hidle
14 June
Helene Klyve
Perceptions of individual lifestyle changes in Norway’s sustainability transition
Presentation: 10.00-10.30 (room 744, Department of Geography + Zoom)
Oral exam: 10.30-11.30 (zoom)
Examination Committee: Jostein Jakobsen (SUM/UiO) and Mahir yazar (UiB)
Supervisor: Connor J. Cavanagh
15 June
Maïlys Rouillè
‘Beyond the border is where food is’
COVID-19, cross-border fish traders and food security around the Ghana-Togo border
Presentation: 10.00-10.30 (room 744 + zoom)
Oral exam: 10.30-11.30 (zoom)
Examination Committee: Jan Petter Johnisen and Peter Andersen (UiB)
Supervisor: Ragnhild Overå
Lene Lundøy Drengenes
Medvirkning i utforming av blågrønn struktur: en casestudie av prosjektet bystrand og ny Lungegårdspark
Presentation: 12.00-12.30
Oral exam: 12.30-13.30 (zoom)
Examination Committee: Mikaela Vasstrøm (UiA) and Knut Hidle (UiB)
Supervisor: Håvard Haarstad