Master's theses in geography 2023
We have two deadlines this year: 1 June and 1 December. Congratulations to all who completed the degree this year!

Main content
15 students submitted their theses in 2023. As part of the oral exam, the students will ppresent their theses. The presentations are open to all interested, eighter in room 744 in the Department of Geography or in Zoom.
Submitted 1 Desember
18 December
Emmanuel Bintaayi Jeil
Linkages between Flood Events and Livelihoods of Riparian Communities in the Middle Belt of Ghana
Presentation: 11.30 - 12.00 (Department of Geography, room 744/Zoom)
Oral exam: 12.00 - 13.00
Examination Committee: Andrei Marin (NMBU) and Odd Inge Steen (UiB)
Supervisor: Peter Andersen
Submitted 1 June
6 June
Hanne Greenwood Karstensen
Presentasjon: 09.00 - 09.30 (Department of Geography, room 744/Zoom)
Oral exam: 09.30-10.30
Examination Committee: Frode Flemsæter (NTNU) and Grete Rusten (UiB)
Supervisor: Knut Hidle
16 June
Hilde Mangerud
Holocen strandforskyvning i Rødøy, Nordland
Presentation: 11.30 - 12.00 (Department of Geography, room 713/Zoom)
Oral exam: 12.00 - 13.00
Examination Committee: Anders Romundset (NGU) og Rannveig Øvrevik Skoglund (UiB)
Supervisor: Kristian Vasskog
Jennifer Oka Otabe
The Aftermath of Climate Justice in Lofoten, Norway
Presentation: 14.00 - 14.30 (Zoom)
Oral exam: 14.30 - 15.30
Examination Committee: Olof Stjernström (NORD universitet) og Ragnhild Overå (UiB)
Supervisor: Odd Inge Steenb
21 June
Monika Subedi
Land Use and Land Cover Change: A Study of Butwal SubMetropolitan City, Nepal
Presentation: 11.30 - 12.00 (Department of Geography, room 744/Zoom)
Oral exam: 12.00 - 13.00
Examination Committee: Yograj Gautam (CMI) and Olena Dubovyk (UiB)
Supervisor: Peter Andersen
22 June
Mara Sternberg
Sea-level reconstruction during the Early Holocene in Tjeldsundet, Northern Norway
Presentation: 09.00 - 09.30 (Department of Geography, room 744/Zoom)
Oral exam: 09.30-10.30
Examination Committee: Thomas Lakeman (NGU) and Svein Olaf Dahl (UiB)
Supervisor: Kristian Vasskog
Holly Jane Tolson
Late Holocene Relative Sea-Level Reconstructions in Evenes, North Norway.
Presentation: 11.30 - 12.00 (Department of Geography, room 744/Zoom)
Oral exam: 12.00 - 13.00
Examination Committee: Thomas Lakeman (NGU) and Svein Olaf Dahl (UiB)
Supervisor: Kristian Vasskog
Christoffer Sund
Hvordan konflikter endrer sted. En studie av hytteeieres oppfatning av konflikten på Sjusjøen.
Presentation: 12.30 - 13.00 (Zoom)
Oral exam: 13.00 - 14.00
Examination Committee: Gunhild Setten (NTNU) and Odd Inge Steen (UiB)
Supervisor: Knut Hidle
23 June
Isaac Dawson
A glacial history of Flatisen and Kampliisen since the Little Ice Age.
A reconstruction of the Little Ice Age (LIA) maximum of two Svartisen glaciers and their change since, including evidence of two previously unknown glacial lake outburst floods (GLOFs).
Presentation: 09.00 - 09.30 (Department of Geography, room 744/Zoom)
Oral exam: 09.30-10.30
Examination Committee: Henrik Jansen (Vestland fylkeskommune) and Kristian Vasskog (UiB)
Supervisor: Svein Olaf Dahl
Karsten Røise Hustad
Byrom som arena for sosial inkludering En studie av hvordan Kong Christian Fredriksplass fungerer som en arena for sosial inkludering.
Presentation: 11.30 - 12.00 (Department of Geography, room 744/Zoom)
Oral exam: 12.00 - 13.00
Examination Committee: Marianne Millstein (Oslo MET) and Odd Inge Steen (UiB)
Supervisor: Knut Hidle
26 June
Elise Sofie Hansen
En studie av trafikkreduksjon og bilfrihet i Bergen
Presentation: 11.30 - 12.00 (Zoom)
Oral exam: 12.00 - 13.00
Examination Committee: Anders Tønnesen (CICERO) and Odd Inge Steen (UiB)
Supervisor: Håvard Haarstad
28 June
Arild Brattebø
Holocene glacier, meltwater drainage and sea-level history in Røvassdalen, Svartisen, northern Norway
Presentation: 09.00 - 09.30 (Department of Geography, room 744/Zoom)
Oral exam: 09.30-10.30
Examination Committee: Anne Grete Bøe (Equinor) and Rannveig Øvrevik Skoglund (UiB)
Supervisor: Svein Olaf Dahl
Malin Bjørgum Berland
Kunsten å drive en by – Kulturdrevet byutvikling i Kristiansand
Presentation: 11.30 - 12.00 (Zoom)
Oral exam: 12.00 - 13.00
Examination Committee: Anniken Førde (UiT) and Håvard Haarstad (UiB)
Supervisor: Knut Hidle
29 June
Johannes Laundal
Motivasjoner og reservasjoner:
En studie av bruken og spredningen av klimakalkulatoren blant bønder i Nordland
Presentation: 09.30 - 010.00 (Zoom)
Oral exam: 10.00-11.00
Examination Committee: Katrina Rønningen (Ruralis) and Håvard Haarstad (UiB)
Supervisor: Peter Andersen
Mari Ingeborg Bjor Hognestad
Befolkningsframskrivinger - usikre, men "det beste vi har"
En analyse av hvordan befolkningsvekst håndteres som et strategisk spørsmål i planlegging i Ås kommune og i den i regionale planen for areal og transport i Oslo og Akershus
Presentation: 14.00 - 14.30 (Zoom)
Oral exam: 14.30 - 15.30
Examination Committee: Kjell Overvåg (HINN) and Håvard Haarstad (UiB)
Supervisor: Knut Hidle