Global Challenges
Breakfast forum

Brexit: deal or no deal?

Will the UK go through with its Brexit without a deal or will it manage to scrape one together?

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John Cameron on Unsplash

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Sissel Rosland (HVL), Hakan Sicakkan (UiB) and Kjetil Evjen (UiB) will help us answer this and other questions in a messy breakup.

In the aftermath of the 2016 referendum, Brexit negotiations have dragged out in a seemingly endless bureaucratic process, where even the best among us have difficulties keeping up. Prime Minister May has now asked the EU for an extension, with a withdrawal date possibly pushed back until June.

The United Kingdom is divided—between generations, between town and country, between social classes, and even between regions. How will the EU and Europe be affected by Brexit, in whatever form it will take? What will the UK's role in Europe be in the future? And, in what way has Brexit affected and possibly altered the UK's constitutional composition and societal divisions?

Sissel Rosland is Associate Professor at the Department of Pedagogy, Religion and Social Studies at Western Norway University of Applied Sciences where she specializes in issues concerning Northern Ireland and the UK.

Hakan Sicakkan is Professor at the Department of Comparative Politics at the University of Bergen. He focuses on Europe and the European Union.

Kjetil Evjen is Assistant Professor at the Department of Comparative Politics at the University of Bergen where he focuses on state and nation building and European questions.

Coffee/tea and croissants will be served!

The event is open and free for all.