Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies

News archive for Department of Linguistic, Literary and Aesthetic Studies

Gabriele de Seta receives Trond Mohn Foundation grant to research folkloric responses to the code we don't quite understand.
Machine Vision on radio: About the history of humans expanding our vision with technology, on Start the Week.
The Center for Digital Narrative (CDN) launched summer 2023 and its research projects have been set in motion. The podcast series ‘Off Center’ shares the research from CDN with an international audience.
In the Nordic countries, tens of thousands of pages from liturgical books from the Middle Ages have been preserved. An international network of researchers has formed around the materials.
The bi-weekly podcast series ‘Off Center’, hosted by Scott Rettberg, Director of the Center for Digital Narrative, has launched. Read more about it and find out where you can listen to the podcast.
Ingrid Halland is convinced that the materials of a more sustainable future cannot mimic the aesthetics belonging to the paradigms we must leave behind.
Join the Center for Digital Narrative.
The Center for Digital Narrative (CDN) has been awarded the status of Center of Research Excellence. The center will investigate new forms of digital narrative in electronic literature, digital games, social media and AI-driven storytelling.
Professor Scott Rettberg and associate professor Ingrid Halland receive 12 million each from the Research Council of Norway for projects at the intersection between technology and aesthetics.
Which expectations and requirements do the teachers have for the students at the Norwegian Courses? What is the tuition like? 15 skilled teachers teach the Norwegian Courses, and here you'll get to know two of them, Pernille Myrvold and Katrin Saarik.
Professor II Dr. Doris Rusch (Uppsala Universitet) joins CDN to explore existential questions through the lenses of game design and neuroscience.
In the Visions of the Artic project, professor of anthropology Knut Mikjel Rio at the University Museum of Bergen will research Arctic indigenous peoples’ portrayals of their own history, compared to the nation states’ portrayal of the minority populations.
Social scientist Gabriele de Seta is looking at how we interact with digital media in everyday life. Now he is awarded the Prize for Young Researchers for his outstanding work.
CDN Principal Investigator, Dr. Astrid Ensslin, ventures a deep-dive into the early history of digital creative writing and publishing
Linguistics professor Vadim Kimmelman receives high-level funding from the EU. Now he will be able to build a research team and explore different properties in five different sign languages.
The new documentary provides a unique lens on the collective experience of the pandemic and is now available for open access screening online.
The research group's reading group will have its second meeting of the semester on May 3rd in HF 371, 10:00-11:30
