Completing elements in your training component
The training component consists of at least 30 ECTS, including ethics and outreach.
Main content
The training component can include formal courses from the UiB (or other educational institutions) course catalogue and special curriculum activities. Examples include winter and summer schools, knowledge presentation courses, national and international research courses.
When you complete formal courses, they should appear in your Studentweb education plan without any actions from your part. However, if you have completed ECTS rewarding activites outside of the course catalogue (presentations at international conferences, winter/summer schools), you must submit documentation confiriming your participation to your PhD coordinator:
International conference with presentation of research
- Confirmation of participation from conference organiser which includes title of poster/presentation.
- Link to the programme and the list of participians of the conference
Winter/summer schools
- Confirmation of participation from the organisers of the school
- Description of the program
Seminar on self-selected topic
You and your supervisor must suggest a topic and a committee three weeks ahead of the seminar. The committee must be two persons, both can be from the department. Topic, venue and committee must be announced at the department two weeks in advance.
See this site or contact your PhD coordinator for details.
Other activities
- Diploma, proof of participation
- Description of content and scope