Department of Mathematics

Information for visitors

Practical information for guests at the Department of Mathematics.

Main content

IT og printing services

IT services for visitors: https://www.uib.no/en/it/77699/it-services-visitors#

Printing: https://tk.app.uib.no/node/118

Contact person at Department of Mathematics: Stine Haugsbø

UiB IT-service: (+47) 55584700 


Office, key card and keys

Contact person at Department of Mathematics: Stine Haugsbø



Housing in Bergen: https://www.uib.no/en/sim/78746/housing#

Rental of guest houses https://www.uib.no/en/eia/77521/rental-guest-houses#

Practical information : https://www.uib.no/en/eia/78169/practical-information#

Contact person at Department of Mathematics: Stine Haugsbø

Problems with guest house? Please contact bolig@eia.uib.no  Acute inquiries on phone (+47) 55 58 49 05 / (+47)  55 58 49 00.



Please contact Stine Haugsbø if you need to book a hotel room.


Travel reimbursement:

Information about rates and form: https://www.uib.no/en/foremployees/90235/settlement-travel-expenses

Contact person for employees and guests Travel reimbursements: Dagfinn Høyberg

Contact person for external censors and opponents Travel reimbursements:
Stine Haugsbø


Campus map: https://www.uib.no/en/about/79263/campus-map#